It was to my surprise when I learn of Michelle Malkin a FOX News contributor when said on TV today, that she uncovered "one giant paternal elephant in the room that has slipped notice": illegal immigration, crime-enabling banks and open-borders Bush policies fueled the mortgage crisis. She blame ...
By Bill Arce As a former real estate agent, I always advised my clients (once they were pre-approved) that for the time they were applying for a mortgage it was not a good idea to be messing with their credit. Why? Because usually the underwriter will check their credit report one more time prior...
By Bill ArceThe new federal tax credit serves as an interest-free loan for first-time homebuyers or for those with no ownership interest for the last three years Signed into law last month by President Bush as part of a bigger housing bill, the federal tax credit is aimed at assisting homebuyers ...
NEW YORK CITY -- It seems Howard Stern's sidekicks got the best of CNN when two of his cronies were caught behind the live reporter on Wall Street in New York City. "Sal the Stockholder" and "Richard Christy" from the Howard Stern show are seen in the video below making out behind a live reporter...
H.R. 6694 is approved by key Congressional Committee GAITHERSBURG, MD - Ann Ashburn, President of AmeriDream, issued the following statement today after the House Financial Services Committee adopted H.R. 6694, legislation designed to reauthorize and reform downpayment assistance programs that th...
If you have not yet decided to attend, this message holds much information about program content and is a "must listen". Please feel free to share this message with others who might not yet have made their decision to attend. As Tim says in this message, the program content this year is t...
September 17 Virtual Town Hall with Scott Syphax Join Scott Syphax, President and CEO of Nehemiah Corporation of America, for a 30-minute virtual town hall meeting on Wednesday, September 17, at 12:00 Noon Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern. Scott will discuss the status of H.R. 6694, reveal the latest ...
Hola Mi Gente Ahora la comunidad Latina puede difrutar de otro servicio gratis gracias a Real Estate En tu puedes pedir que te envien una lista de casas listadas en tu area antes de que salgan al mercado. Asi te podras enterar primero que los demas! Si ...
Chairman Frank and HUD Secretary Preston Negotiate DPA Agreement Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank, has discussed publicly the fact that he has negotiated an agreement with HUD Secretary Steve Preston that will provide for the continuation of privately funded downpa...
Internet users who download podcasts are still a minority of the total online population. That's fine for marketers targeting young males. Full Article