Si estas en el mercado buscando un préstamo asequible y que puedas pagar cómodamente no busques más por que estas en el lugar indicado. ha establecido relaciones con prestamistas destacados en ofrecer un servicio excelente a la comunidad Latina. Desde prestamos con tazas de interés baja y...
Sub-Prime vs. Predatory Lending Sub-Prime Higher rate since lender is taking a larger risk Payments are setup within the borrower's ability to repay the loan Terms of the loan are fully disclosed Predatory Lending Excessive interest rates and/or higher points and fees Approving a loan without con...
Si es posible vender su propia casa por cuenta propia. Todo profesional le aconsejará que use la experiencia de un agente de bienes raíces, también yo se lo aconsejo. Pero si usted cree ser capaz de vender su propiedad por cuenta propia, aquí le dejo algunos consejos para que aprenda el proceso d...
The following types of counseling are available Fair Housing Assistance, Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Counseling, Homebuyer Education Program, Loss Mitigation, Mobility & Relocation Counseling, Money/Debt Management, Mortgage Delinquency & Default Resolution Counseling, Post-purchase Counseli...
(March 24 - 28, 2008) Schedule of Events Monday, March 24, 2008 - NCD Week Kick Off Press Conference - City Hall Atrium, 117 West Duval Street, 10:00 A.M to 11:00 A.M. A short program will be held at 10:00 A.M. Federal and local officials will acknowledge NCD Week and contributions of the CDB...
Received from a friend who is in the insurance property business. It is well worth reading.This is one of those e-mails that if you don't send it, rest assured someone on your list will suffer for not reading it. The original message was written by a lady whose brother and wife learned a hard les...
Preguntas y Respuestas! Presentado por Bill Arce Hola. Gracias por esta oportunidad. Vivo rentada en una casa en Miami desde hace 6 meses, hoy me entero que la casa esta en forecloch (no se si se escribe así) y no se que hacer y que va a pasar conmigo y mi familia. Necesito asesoría. Gracias. ...
Join NAHREP members and minority leaders from the Asian Real Estate Association of America and the National Association of Real Estate Brokers in a conversation on policy changes that promote sustainable homeownership for people of color 2008 Legislative ConferenceMarch 25-28, 2008 Hilton Washin...
WASHINGTON, D.C. ( -- A bold new proposal to combat foreclosures was unveiled in Washington on Thursday.The plan, dubbed "Help Now," was floated by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), a nonprofit community advocacy group. It calls for the government to buy up at-ris...
Marketers who want to reach U.S. Hispanic consumers must create messaging aimed at a diverse -- not a monolithic -- cultural group, according to research out today from Nielsen PreView.The report "Why Market to Hispanics?" noted that "for most brands, the Hispanic consumer base is a collection of...