We are smack dab in the middle of hurricane season. Hurricane Florence is aiming towards the Mid Atlantic coastal states. When it comes to hurricane preparedness, protecting yourself and loved ones comes first. Then, protecting your assets such as the home, personal property, valuables, and docum
Mortgage fraud is serious business. We are talking paying back the loan within 30 days, large fines, and jail time. There are basically two types of mortgage-related fraud: Fraud for profit and fraud for housing. People committing fraud for profit know they are committing a crime and look to make
Imagine arriving at the settlement agent’s office for your closing. Everything went without a hitch: The buyer provided all documentation plus the Realtor®, closing attorney/title company, and lender have performed at a high level of customer service. Even the moving truck is ready to unload the
As the seller’s representative, it is important to educate your client on the real estate appraisal process. Knowledge of the appraisal process, plus preparing for it can make a big difference on a sale. As a seller and listing agent, the appraisal goals should be: Appraise for at least the purch
Nationwide, home prices continue to rise in most areas putting pressure on first time home buyers. Virginia is no different, but luckily there are some great programs offering affordable home payments and down payment assistance (DPA). One of these organizations is called VHDA, short for Virginia
A fairly common occurrence for Veterans is the need for having multiple VA loans at once. This is called accessing a Veteran’s bonus entitlement or 2nd tier entitlement. Many do not realize that this is even a possibility. This financing option available through the Veterans Administration is ava
Buying a first home is a significant life milestone, and we recognize the importance. It can be very exciting, yet nerve-wracking. Our goal is to share first time home buyer NC mortgage loan options and explain why an up-front mortgage pre approval is key. North Carolina is one of the most unique
When it comes to getting a mortgage, business owners feel like an ant. Then, the mortgage lender uses the sun and a magnifying glass on that self employed ant. Basically, business owners feel picked on. A common complaint is, “A lender said I don’t report enough income. I make plenty of money, bu
Ok, about everyone understands the basics of getting a mortgage means paying back the money with interest. For the most part, the interest rate makes sense. But, the costs that determine an interest rate is a key area as well. Those are points, also called discount points. Points are a percen
Realtors know that buying a condo with a mortgage involves a condo approval process. Typically, condos go through a full or limited condo review process. Of course, limited is the path of least resistance which we explain in this article. Conversely, the full review process results in more deni