For as long as I remember, I’ve been a person who wakes up early in the morning and is ready to get moving towards the things I really want. That being said, my mornings commonly start slowly with a routine - I’m the guy who doesn’t want to be talked to until the bottom of the first cup of coffe
The Steamboat Barn was made famous by a 1970’s marketing poster of two riders on horseback with skis, going through 18 inches of fresh snow. It is a local icon and has been preserved as a historic building. Many people recognize this poster immediately. The photo on the poster captures western
Not only was it beautiful, July was a very busy month in Steamboat Springs. Summer in Steamboat Springs is a good economy, one of the strongest of western Colorado resort towns. Many groups visit to play sports tournaments, tourists visit (and stay awhile) because of the mild weather, and buil