Feng Shui Tips from Certified New York City and Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano

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Laura Cerrano is a second-generation Certified New York Feng Shui Consultant Expert. As a full-time consultant, Laura provides bicoastal consultations and workshops for residential, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies and healing facilities. The intention of her blog is to provide easy to implement and at times beyond tangible Feng Shui tips. Besides that, she is also in the process of conducting scientific research to help reveal if there really is any physiological and emotional benefits we receive from these ancient healing practices. If you need customized Feng Shui suggestions, it's best to contact Laura directly and schedule an on-site or remote session.



Don't do your spring cleaning until you get Feng Shui decluttering tips!  Promote a harmonious flow of energy within your home and life to help generate positive change.  Presented by Laura Cerrano of Feng Shui Manhattan. To register, contact: Reference Department (516) 746-8488 x2  or email: min...
There are many things to love about California. One of my favorites is the abundance of places to explore outside. During the month of February, California was filled with lush green rolling hills and valley's untouched by the human hand.  Blessed with just enough rain water to sprout fresh blade...
Certified New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano interviewed Essential Oils Specialist, Angela Farinacci on the Feng Shui Manhattan Talk Show. The live interview aired on March 26th, 2019.To watch, click on Facebook Live Feng Shui Manhattan Talk Show Essential Oils Interivew  What you’l...