I am happy to share my Feng Shui client from New Rochelle, NY took a moment to express her experience during and after her home Feng Shui consultation. Its always an honor to hear how this physical, emotional, mental and energetic work is helping to transform people's lives. Thank you for the opp
Looking at the modern day Ba-gua Map you’ll recognize the four seasons that correspond with the directions; North (winter), West (autumn), East (spring) and South (summer). We have entered into the season of autumn which is about harvesting what we planted in the spring (literally and intentiona
How many of you Long Islander’s commute through Penn Station in New York City? Upon arrival and departure, how often do you observe your surroundings in Penn Station? If not often, I invite you to take a brief moment to witness the unique thought process behind the transformation. Gov. Andrew Cu
After providing a Feng Shui Consultation in Great Neck New York I took a short drive to Steppingstone Park in Kings Point to meet a friend for a picnic. In all my years of living on Long Island I have never heard of this park, which is beautiful. If you have never been here, be sure to treat your
Over the weekend I had back to back feng shui consultations within Ulster County and Westchester County, New York. After my consultation in Marlboro, NY I headed over to Minnewaska State park Sam's Point to get in a full days worth of hiking. In total, it added up to 5 hours. That’s a lot of expl
Lately, I’ve been receiving multiple calls to provide Feng Shui Consultations with the purpose of selling homes. So getting right to it, here are five tips to help the process of selling move along. TIP #1:Pay close attention to the initial impressions you receive upon approaching the house. St
Empathy is the ability to understand, feel, and experience another person's spirit and soul through heart connection. This also includes the connection to mother earth’s creations and the entire universal dynamic. The implementation of Feng Shui suggestions goes way beyond the bases of making a
Before starting an early morning Feng Shui Consultation in Spring Valley, NY I Googled local diners within the area and Ralphie's Cafe and Deli came up with 5 star Yelp reviews. For those who know me, I love grabbing a quick meal at local spots. The Cafe/Deli had a wonderful 'old town' feel. Th
Let’s delve a little deeper into the art and science of Feng Shui through the eyes of Sacred Geometry. The diagrams you see above represent the Western Ba-gua Map and a superimposed Ba-gua Map over a floor plan. Each area on the map represents a major life section that becomes a metaphor of li