In keeping with finding and following that specially made, still, small voice inside of ourselves, here is a great motivationg moment from the award-winning film Persuit of Happyness. Thanks to Gary for posting! Enjoy and be moved to greatness, Laura I have in recent times very much enjoyed re
Spiritual Activity and Feng Shui by NY Feng Shui consultant Many wish to disregard that various parallels of reality exist. This meaning our connection to the spiritual world, our connection to the universe and so on. We are so busy being bombarded by constant technological shifts, we have forg
"Learn to trust that small, still voice that knows yourself. It has good things to tell you. After that you must find the thing you do best and most naturally and cultivate it and nourish that particular thing and then work hard so that you hardly work and work turns to joy." - Michael LaPenna Bo
Long Distance Philadelphia Feng Shui Consultations with Feng Shui LI Long Distance consultation split into three 1 hour discussion via phone, skype or facetime First Discussion: interview is provided to help gain an understanding about the specific areas of your life you seek to enhance. This
Feng Shui Plan of Action: 5 Simple Feng Shui Tips You Can Do This Week again, if you have not started, it's time to de clutter place a plant (real or fake) above your toilet to help deflect and off sett the excess drain energy from that appliance clean out underneath your bed (remove shoes, impor
Words of Wisdom Wednesdays with Feng Shui: Utilize all your life's gifts Utilize and nurture all the gifts the universe has placed in your lap and watch what happens, more talents and skills will emerge. What a nice surprise you will have for yourself and say, I didn't know I could do that. Of c
Our friend Holly has some small, but no less heavily impactful ways to improve our health in body and even in mind and spirit with a few shining stars on this lits of healthy habits and I can vouch for them—they work! Love and light, Laura We are just about a month into the new year and, by now
Feng Shui Pennsylvania Consultations for your Home or Business Times for home and business consultations are typically 2-3 hours First: An on site interview is provided to help gain an understanding about the specific areas of your life you seek to enhance. This requires sharing information abou
Feng Shui NY Assessments for Homes, Offices and New Construction Buying a home or selling one? Feng Shui Manhattan and Long Island can make your home feel warm and inviting while incorporating simple Feng Shui remedies to attract that perfect buyer or get your home sold…Quickly. We also wor
The South Shore along Westhampton beach NY with Feng Shui LI looks like the pathway to heaven :) Feng Shui LI *Carole Provenzale was a Certified Feng Shui Consultant who graduated from the Country's very first School for Feng Shui Studies that was licensed and accredited in 1997. She esta