Please check out Tammie Whites interview with me about Feng Shui. She breaks it down into a great introductory for Feng Shui enthusiasts. Enjoy and thanks again Tammie, many blessings to you. Love and light, LauraLaura Cerrano Feng Shui Specialist in New York City Several weeks ago, I was conta
Steve reminds that the gloomy days we go through might be the metaphorical showers that will refresh the fruits of our labors. Work diligently to do good work and it will not go unnoticed if you are using your intuition well! Believe! Thanks again, Steve! Love and light, Laura To learn how I
Do I need Feng Shui labeled products in my house inorder to shift the energy? This is a great question. When I first started living the lifestyle of Feng Shui I always thought I needed x, y and z products specifically labeled "Feng Shui" to truly make a difference in my home and life's energy.
Rebekah points to the four pinpoints of getting a message out into the world. I would add that not only do all four of these methods work, but when you try them, never be afraid to fail or try it in a new way. Thanks for posting, Rebekah! Love and light, LauraSunshine, lazy days spent at the ba
AR regular Anna Banana points to something I learned early on: Not overpacking the information in your blog post is the way to go! Keep it simple indeed! Thanks, Anna! Love and light, Laura Social Media Blogging Mistake #2 KISS Early into my blogging career I realized that I made a big mis
Feng Shui Advice: Connect with Nature and enjoy the simple Moments In this rush, rush world you need time to yourself, or time with another person who can bring that relazing vibe and time to rejuvenate from the kayos. Take time out of your busy schedule to slow down and relax. Take a walk aroun
The Power of thought and Spoken Word I spoke with a new client this morning who is looking to start a business and expressed some concerns and worries about what is blocking him from progressing forward, thus creating a feeling of being "stuck." I shared some key insights and offered a fast tip
The Power of Manifestation: Feng Shui Front entrance enhancement Feng Shui is about understanding that nothing ever stays the same, it's always transforming. A really basic and easy example to understand this principle is with the arrangement of furniture in your home. In 2010 I set up my fron
Upper West Side NY Customized Apartment Consultations Times for home and business consultations are typically 2-3 hours please keep in mind fees are all the same no matter the size of your home, business or apartment. Fees are based the amount of time we work together on-site. First: An on site
Opps...Pardon me I had and energy Fart..... yes we all have energy farts from time to time. Sometimes you just make a bad call on something so that type of energy builds up and simply needs to be released. I had mine the other day. I was rushing around not paying attention and by the end of th