Hi all: I hope your Friday is off to a stellar start. I was thinking this morning about Paying it Forward. When did you first start. Do you remember? I'm not sure I do. I used to be involved in Big Brothers when I was younger. I think that probably qualifies in a big way. These days, my paying it
Hi all: Happy Veteran's Day! I received an email from a colleague of mine today asking to help a vet. who is on a fixed income and barely making it. I think I will help. I wish I had more money to help more but want to help this stranger who served our country. Today is a special day in the lives
Hi all: I was recently contacted by the Puget Sound Blood Center about donating blood. Now I have to admit this isn't my favorite thing to do. It honestly makes me a little squeamish! But they needed my blood (O positive). At first I thought why as O positive blood is the most common blood out th
Good morning! I hope your day is off to a great start. I was thinking about the nature of our business (in fact the nature of business in general) and all I ask for is the opportunity. Why do I say this? First of all, a little background on me is probably warranted. I started in the mortgage busi
Hi there: Good morning! I was thinking yesterday about expectations. What brought this on? Yesterday a banker friend and I heard that an SBA loan that we thought was completely dead will be signing today. Obviously, we didn't expect this. In fact, I've found in this business that the less I expec
Good day all! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Today I decided to work from home after driving into our corporate office for the last couple of months. Yesterday I told my wife I'd be happy to take her mother (my mother-in-law doesn't drive) to a doctor appointment. Yesterday we watched our grand
Hi all: If you plan to visit Seattle, wait until Wednesday or so. It's raining cats and dogs today! Earlier this morning I read a great blog post by Lizette Fitzpatrick asking if we Rainers could send a birthday card to her mother who is turning 80 years old. I look at this as a random act of kin
Good morning! I was reading that the Mortgage Bankers Association weighed in with their predictions for 2011 loan volume. There is good news and bad news in their assessment. First of all, the MBA thinks that total loan volume will amount to about $1 trillion next year. This would be off from an
Hi all: Good morning! I was thinking about our business this morning and the fact that a deal isn't done until it funds. That's never more true than today. With loans taking longer to do these days due to increased guidelines and backed up underwriting, it's always music to our ears when a loan f
Hi all: I was thinking it wasn't too long ago that everyone in the real estate business made money; In some cases, it was an almost obscene amount. Remember the good old days? Countrywide, WA. Mu., etc? Last week I visited Cedarbrook Lodge which was constructed by Washington Mutual in 2006. What