Closet Makeover – Installation & Completion Last week PHA explained the purge and sort process of going through your clothes…and other items stored in closets as the first step in your closet makeover. We also showed you the designs that were accepted by the client. To view that post, click he
Here are four really good reasons to have your home show ready.... from day one! While Doug Rogers is from Pineville, LA, this information applies to homes anywhere in the world... if you are serious about selling, you need to be serious about getting the home ready to sell. Things That WON'T H
To further the spirit of Halloween I wanted to share Gayle's post on some incredible and talented pumpkin carvers! I admire anyone who can create with their hands to bring joy and beauty to the rest of us. Happy Halloween everyone!! Halloween Pumpkin Carving at Its Finest I can’t carve my way
Stephen found this YouTube video that is taking advantage of the viral hit song for Halloween! It was hard for me to listen to the whole three minutes and 44 seconds, but it certainly put a smile on my face!! BTW, I don't see a selection for me to turn off comments, so please head over to Step
Closet Makeover – Part I A few weeks ago PHA was working with a client who asked us if we install closet systems… And, we do…. But, before we could even get started, we needed to A) remove all plastic covers - btw, plastic does not let your fabric breathe, remove it immediately when you get hom
Noe Valley Harvest Festival - October 27, 2012 In addition to Noe Valley's weekly Farmer's Market this Saturday, children can have their faces painted and they can visit the pumpkin patch and the petting zoo. There will be live music and entertainment and so much more! For adults and children
Thank You REAL SIMPLE! I'm an avid savory cook and try to make at least 4-5 home cooked meals, from scratch, per week. Since none of my children or grandchildren are currently living close by, I tend to make two servings so I can have some for lunch the next day, or I freeze it for another din
Staying Motivated I was reading Barbara Todaro's post about motivating new agents.... it reminded me of a situation that occured with me three years ago. One of my colleagues, who also specializes in Moving and Relocation, approached me to coach her to more success. She shared with me how her
Hot air ballooning is on my bucket list... so, I just had to re-blog Lloyd's post with great photos... and btw, his blogging background also shows some beautiful balloons! Please post your comments over on Lloyd's page - thanks.Speechless Sunday – 2012 Balloon Fiesta “Farewell Mass Ascension” Las
Noemi has posted an inspirational poem that I'm going to paste on my kitchen fridge. While I always try to stay positive, reading this in the morning can help set the tone of my day!One... One tree can start a forest, One smile can begin a friendship, One hand can lift a soul, One word can frame