Moving Organizer's Tips - San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York

Services for Real Estate Pros - pha logistix inc
Casual thoughts on the professional organizing and moving industries.
Are Thieves Are Looking at YOU? Identity thieves that is....  all an identify theft person needs is your social security number and your name. With those two pieces of information, they can do a great deal of damage to your financial reputation! So, for your protection, PLEASE shred any of the fo...
Clutter - How To Not Let It Get the Best of You?   Five tips to help you overcome clutter problem areas and become a bit more organized: 1.  Set a timer for 15 minutes daily and clear off kitchen counters... but just don't move those papers/mail/tchotkes, etc. from one place to another... MAKE A ...
Do You Taste Test Olive Oils?   I do... and it's pretty amazing the different flavor profiles have on your salad dressings!  One of my favorites is Lucini Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  It's pretty balanced - not too fruity, not too heavy, not too grassy. Very pleasant taste on the tongue. Back in 2000...
Why Stemware Matters   It’s pretty much all about the nose. As a moving organizer, PHA will be working on a packing and unpacking project next week for a family moving from a large home in Menlo Park, to a much larger home in Atherton, CA.  While doing the walk through for the box count of materi...
What's New in Kitchens - a work around reblog... I wanted to reblog this post from Patricia Feager about what's new in kitchens, but the reblog button was missing... bummer. Many of the folks who commented on Patricia's post were curious about the material used for the countertops - it wasn't gra...
Networking Follow Up   Several months ago, I was flying back East to visit my family and look at a potential moving and relocation project.  I always get an aisle seat so I can stretch out my legs.  The plane was crowded so most seats were filled.  Fortunately, my seat mate, like me, wasn't neces...
It's Not Too Common.... For temperatures here in the San Francisco Bay Area to get to a sweltering 95 degrees!!  And, even though our humidity levels are quite low compared to other locations throughout the United States... yesterday was HOT! And, even though at 9 am it was a balmy 70 degrees, wi...
Is a Boom Coming to San Francisco?   Here in San Francisco, we have three local subscription papers... the SF Chronicle, the SF Business Times, and the SF Examiner.  I subscribe to the first two. Almost daily I am consistently surprised how the SF Chronicle takes news first reported in the SF Bus...
Sweet Potato Testing I love to cook... and when unpacking a home, this professional moving organizer really enjoys putting together a kitchen! Some years ago I was watching an episode of one of my favorite chefs, Jacques Pepin.  He was making a potatoe, leek encrusted cod fish... mmm, good.  And ...
Packing Safely As a professional moving organizer for the last 11 years, I've come to learn how important it is to protect your body during a 10-14 hour packing session! Our bodies need to be respected. Especially when you are involved in repetitive motions.  And, we need to begin protecting our ...

Peggy Hughes/pha logistix, inc.

smartphone(415) 846-0569
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Casual thoughts on the professional organizing and moving industries.