This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Ballston neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Ballston Home ValuesIn the past 6 months, 27 proper
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the West Springfield Village neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold West Springfield Village Home Val
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Willoughbys Ridge neighborhood of Centreville, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Willoughbys Ridge Home ValuesIn the past
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Willow Point neighborhood of Falls Church, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Willow Point Home ValuesIn the past 6 months
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Willow Woods neighborhood of Annandale, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Willow Woods Home ValuesIn the past 6 months, 1
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Winding Brook neighborhood of Chantilly, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Winding Brook Home ValuesIn the past 6 months,
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Windover Heights neighborhood of Vienna, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Windover Heights Home ValuesIn the past 6 mont
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Windsor Park neighborhood of Alexandria, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Windsor Park Home ValuesIn the past 6 months,
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Wolftrap Meadows neighborhood of Vienna, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Wolftrap Meadows Home ValuesIn the past 6 mont
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Woodburn Village neighborhood of Annandale, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Woodburn Village Home ValuesIn the past 6 m