This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Worldgate neighborhood of Herndon, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Worldgate Home ValuesIn the past 6 months, 20 proper
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Yates Gardens neighborhood of Alexandria, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Yates Gardens Home ValuesIn the past 6 months
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Yorktowne Square neighborhood of Falls Church, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Yorktowne Square Home ValuesIn the past
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Addison Heights neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Addison Heights Home ValuesIn the past 6 mon
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Alcova Heights neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Alcova Heights Home ValuesIn the past 6 month
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Arlington Forest neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Arlington Forest Home ValuesIn the past 6 m
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Arlington Oaks neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Arlington Oaks Home ValuesIn the past 6 month
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Arlington Village neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Arlington Village Home ValuesIn the past 6
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Ashton Heights neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Ashton Heights Home ValuesIn the past 6 month
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Aurora Hills neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Aurora Hills Home ValuesIn the past 6 months, 1