Wow-this is great stuff-thanks !!!!I was reading Active Rainer John Novak's featured post, "Facebook fan page Basics". In the post, John offers more reasons for setting up a busines page on Facebook and links to get it done. While reading through the comments, it seemed most Realtors had yet to ...
I have been on Facebook since 2007--of course back in 2007 I think I had about 5 friends of which were real estate agents in my company that friend-ed me (and, of course, are much younger and tech savvier (sp?)). In the past year, my friend count has gone from about 25 to over 500 and I even have...
I love local newspapers. I receive them free in my driveway once a week for my area in South Forsyth county GA called the Forsyth Herald. The best part of it is looking at the DUI and drug arrests to see if you know anyone unlucky enough to be cited there. And there have been neighbors and nei...
With over 74 middle school performers, Riverwatch Middle School is nearing the opening of their spring musical, High School Musical the week of March 18 at the Central Forsyth High School Performing Arts Center. What a great and economical way to take the family to a quality production that ever...
Central Forsyth High and Lambert High (due to open fall of 09) are going to add Academy Programs to enhance their curriculums for our growing Forsyth County population. Unlike the old vocational programs of our past (yes those of us in the late 70's and 80's high school grads!), these programs wi...
The information contained herein is my personal opinion on the following restaurants in our area and should not be construed as an inducement to gorge yourself or blow your diet at this particular mall! It's hard to work in a retail environment, its REALLY hard to work in a real estate office in ...
This is some GREAT Information on Lead Gen I've seen in a while--if you try 3 of these things you will be successful!TOP 10 LEAD GENERATION TIPS FOR GREATER RESULTS AND GREATER INCOME! _________________________________________ A WALL OF WORDS BUT WELL WORTH THE READ! Looking for leads in all t...
Getting stats and numbers from places like Smart Numbers (Steve Palm) and Brokermetrics can sometimes be tricky but digesting it and putting into words is another. My mind can start wondering when too much information or TMI is given so here is some good news from these sources for Forsyth and o...
The air is (??) getting a little chillier and it's time for the Cumming Country Fair at the fairgrounds on Castleberry Road! Great old time fun with rides, below is the schedule: Cumming Country Fair & FestivalFair hours:Today, Oct. 3, 4 p.m.-midnightSaturday, Oct. 4, 10 a.m.-midnightSunday, O...
Here is one of the funniest and creative things I have seen in a long time that an agent put on a direct mail piece to their sphere and farm--I would use this in a heartbeat especially NOW to send out and get some attention-- TOP TEN THINGS You Should NEVER Do Yourself: 10. Heart Transplant 9. ...