Pauline Hofseth's Anchorage Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Agent - Prudential Jack White/Vista Real Estate
Pauline Hofseth is an Alaska Realtor who specializes in helping buyers and sellers of real estate in Anchorage, Birchwood, Chugiak, Eagle River, Peters Creek and Girdwood.
Let's get moving and join in the formation of a regional transit system. To build a regional transit system that is workable and deemed valuable by the future commuters of that system, your input is needed. Your involvement and advice is being solicited. A joint agreement has been signed by Mayor...
We do things a little differently here in Anchorage, including our focus on energy efficiency. For the Anchorage Municipality, September is Energy Efficiency Month. In the lower 48, the Federal Energy Management Program highlights energy efficiency in the month of October. Why wait another month?...
This week marks the last chance you will have to experience and enjoy one of Anchorage's outstanding events. There is nothing as beautiful as an Alaskan summer in Anchorage with its vibrant colors, warm sun, amazing scenic wonders, and its special festivities. One of our man-made wonders is about...
The old song "Meet Me At The Fair" is quite apt for Alaskans and visitors to the area this week. This is the final week for the Alaska State Fair, which ends September 1st. There is nothing that has the same energy as a State Fair. The Alaska State Fair is no exception to the rule. This year's fa...
Credit scores have always been important, no matter what a person was buying. They are more important now than ever; especially to someone considering a home purchase. A recent study has shown that most people do not understand how credit scores are determined or how they affect them. Credit Scor...
Those words describe the trails of Anchorage. The City of Anchorage has 10,946 acres of dedicated green space which includes over 290 miles of trails and greenbelts. Anchorage citizens count their award-winning trail system as the city's best asset in regard to recreation. I think the love of the...
Current loan limits for an FHA insured mortgage are 115% of an area's median home price, not to exceed $625,500. When the new Housing Bill takes effect, this loan limit will become permanent. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan limits will remain at $417,000 for this year. In 2009, the loan limits wi...
Make the decision early on that, when you find your Alaskan dream home, you will hire the services of a home inspector. Although it is natural for a buyer to want to keep expenses to a minimum, waiving the right to a home inspection is not a wise choice. A home inspector will make a visual inspec...
FHA allows buyers with scores below 700 to purchase homes. In the current mortgage credit crunch, FHA may be the best bet for first-time home buyers. First-time home buyers are defined as anyone who has not owned a personal residence in the last three years. Another factor making FHA a viable cho...
The change in FHA's loan limits can help you to achieve the American Dream, homeownership. As part of the Economic Stimulus Act, FHA has been allowed to temporarily raise their loan limits. FHA will now insure loans up to 125 percent of an area's median house price. The purpose of the increased l...

Pauline Hofseth

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Pauline Hofseth is an Alaska Realtor who specializes in helping buyers and sellers of real estate in Anchorage, Birchwood, Chugiak, Eagle River, Peters Creek and Girdwood.

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