Jim's Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - PAR Real Estate, Inc.
For most people this is the hardest day in real estate investing, collecting on bad debt. It is a great chance to really get in touch with the people who rely on you for housing. I had several non pays today and had to post demand notices on each of their doors. Many people do not hold the line o...
When I first got into multi unit property ownership I figured I would turn over my portfolio to a management company. That was a well taught lesson in a 12 month period. The several thousand dollars I was netting each month shot to zero in a matter of months. I figured out the game in short order...
Well... lets talk a bit about discount rates. When looking at a investment property you really need to know how the money you are about to pour into the property stacks up against your other investments. Every investment has different levels of risk, and the higher the risk the higher the reward....
I have been reading blogs and see this outrage over people loosing their homes due to the high rates of foreclosure. A huge number of these people are purchasing homes with no money down, financed closing cost and on ARMs they hardly qualify for. I guess the question begs to be asked, should we r...
If you are looking for a great site for real estate investors that share information on how to do deals, try www.magicbullets.com
Though I am pretty solid in the larger properties arena at times I will use others to make a point. A friend of mine that invests in the Colorado single family home market has purchased about 40 homes in the last 12 months. One time he paid closing costs, all the rest were bought like this...He p...
From a former practicing agent one thing I noticed about my field was the lack of great agents. A great question to ask a agent is, if you had to use another agent in a 'blind transaction' where you could do nothing except pick the home, who would you use? Probably less than 1 in every 250 agents...
As a former active real estate agent and now a full time investor I have figured out you always make your money on the buy side, not the sell side. I get told all day long of how properties will go up in value and you will make your money down the road, that is just not true. unless you are addin...

Jim Johnson

local_phone(303) 460-1800
smartphone(303) 909-6200
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