The numbers are in for July 2008 Boise Real Estate Market. These numbers include all Single Family, Single family with Acreage, Condos, Townhomes, and Manufacutured Homes on Owned Lot listings in the Boise areas. Active listings 2660 Pending 369 Sold 315 Average s
The numbers are in for July 2008 Meridian Real Estate Market. These numbers include all Single Family, Single family with Acreage, Condos, Townhomes, and Manufacutured Homes on Owned Lot listings in the Meridian areas. Active listings 1290 Pending 187 Sold 132 Aver
The numbers are in for July 2008 Nampa Real Estate Market. These numbers include all Single Family, Single family with Acreage, Condos, Townhomes, and Manufacutured Homes on Owned Lot listings in the Nampa MLS areas. Active listings 1401 Pending 146 Sold 119 Average
The numbers are in for the July 2008 Eagle Real Estate Market. These numbers include all Single Family, Single family with Acreage, Condos, Townhomes, and Manufacutured Homes on Owned Lot listings in the Eagle MLS area. Active listings 538 Pending 53 Sold 34 Average s
I have never considered myself a natural Writer. So you can imagine my angst when I was told that I needed to BLOG to increase my SEO. (What is SEO? is what I thought at the time.) Never one to back down from a challenge however, I joined Active Rain and began my journey. My first posts were
As a child I was very artistic. I was always drawing, and painting. My interest in Interior Design began at a very young age as well. I remember when I was 8 years old, I found a picture in Better Homes & Gardens of Blue Mountains. I wanted so badly to paint that on the wall of my bedroom. Fo
Do you have Connectile Dysfunction? Then maybe you need Viagra an Aircard! This is by far my most valuable Techno Gadget! I got my Verizon Aircard about a year ago, and I am still finding new ways to employ it in my business. I'll tell you how I use it so far. I use it at the office. I work f
The definition of Success is a very personal thing, and different for each individual. But, wheather you need to have a helicopter and Billions in the Bank to consider yourself a success, or success is defined on a smaller scale for you, the Principles of Success are the same. One of these Succ
Meridian Idaho Fire Department 100 Year Celebration! Mark your calendars for Friday, August 1st, 2008! The Meridian Fire Department will be celebrating 100 years of service at their Annual Salmon BBQ Fundraiser! The fun begins at 5:00 the Meridian Speedway Dairy Barn. Activiies include
Here is an inspirational story that you must see! Patrick Henry Hughes ignores disabilities and chooses to focus on the wonderful abilities he posesses! Wouldn't the world be a wonderful place if we all did this! What special abilites have you been given that you need to share with the world? Wha