I have source who can assist you and your sellers, if they are listed as, or considering Short Sale, without the hassle for you or your seller, where you still participate in the transaction. Tried and True, all documents and disclosures attorney verified. Contact me for more details. Primarily...
Cyndi Nunez has sent this alert to our professional real estate network, alerting us to important changes within FHA, VERY IMPORTANT!! FHA is the most prevelant financing out there. These changes are important. Please take the time to read.... These changes will also slowly eliminate Mortga...
Lane Bailey's Blog, "Let's Increase the Home Buyer Tax Credit" is really a thought provoking post... Check it out here: So many great points/counterpoints here. I see both sides, but what I LOVE ab...
The family and friends of 5 year old Cesar Cardenas will hold a benefit BBQ from 9am to 5pm Saturday 10/10/09, at the Rabobank parking lot in Guadalupe. Just 3 days after his birth, Cesar was diagnosed with chronic renal failure at Children's Hospital in Madera. Cesar has only one functioning kid...
The Santa Maria Department of Parks and Recreation, in partnership with the Santa Maria Noontime Kiwanis, People for Leisure and Youth (PLAY), community art groups hosted a fantastic event yesterday in downtown Santa Maria. I am only sad that we do this but once a year! I would love to see a Thu...
Builder Incentives now at $15,000 to new home buyers....for buy downs and or upgrades. Standards in our homes like other's upgrades. Realtors..don't forget..bring your buyers...3% coop!
In these economic times, all kinds of property sellers are enduring unprecedented struggles, and new home builders are no exception. That said, I want to refute any rumors regarding The Rice Ranch New Home Community in Orcutt, North Santa Barbara County, as to it's commitment to our community. Ou...
October 2009: Rice Ranch New Home Community continues to see more homes being sold, with more inventory on the way! This long awaited new home development in North Santa Barbara County, is attracting buyers into escrow at a swift pace. When people see the value in these homes- standard feature...
The 26th Annual Grapes and Grains kickoffs of this morning at 10am, in down town Santa Maria, on Suth McClelland , between Cook and Jones Streets! Come kick off Autumn with Art Displays, Cooking Contests, Chalk art. Beer and Wine Tasting starts at 12:30pm to 3:30pm. Tickets are $20 in advance, $...
Happy October! Here's the link to my October Real Estate Newsletter: Great local and national Real Estate information.