Omaha Home Inspections by Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector

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Home Inspector - Foundation-2-Rooftop, Inc.
My blog is packed full of home inspection related articles that are useful for homeowners, Buyers, Sellers, and real estate agents. I also post interesting inspection pics regularly as I run across something on my inspections that peak my interest. Enjoy!
Spring Preventative Maintenance Tips 2010 by Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector It's been a brutal winter in the Omaha Metro, but it's coming to an end!  With Spring knocking on our doorsteps, it's time for some Spring preventative maintenance.  A little maintenan...
Furnace Red Flags By: Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector   The most important aspect of a home inspection is bringing to light major issues and safety hazards.  When I find a cracked heat exchanger on a furnace, I'm surfacing a high-dollar problem and a major safet...
Furnace Red Flags By: Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector   The most important aspect of a home inspection is bringing to light major issues and safety hazards.  When I find a cracked heat exchanger on a furnace, I'm surfacing a high-dollar problem and a major safe...
  What is radon gas? Radon gas can’t be detected by the human senses.  Radon gas comes from uranium in the soil.  Uranium is found in all 50 states.  It’s radioactive and when it breaks down it forms radon gas.  Radon gas takes the path of least resistance and if that path is where your home is l...
Approximately 4 months ago, I came up with a new concept with the intent to make my life easier. As a home inspector, I found myself working late into the evenings to finish up reports. I wasn't able to spend quality time with my family and felt I was spinning my wheels for next to minimum wage. ...
Termites: Habits, Inspections, & Treatments By: Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector in Omaha, Nebraska Subterranean Termites can be found in almost every state of the US, Mexico, and parts of Canada. The National Pest Management Association has divided the US into 4 regions of which Nebraska li...
Sewer Lines: Problems, Signs & Solutions By Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector in Omaha, Nebraska I had a client this week that had a sewer inspection conducted on a home they were buying. The Plumber ran a camera through the line and found a significant amount of root growth in the main line ...
A Cracked Heat Exchanger Is Nothing To Ignore By: Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector in Omaha, Nebraska What is a heat exchanger? The heat exchanger is the metal wall or tubing that is heated up when the burners are ignited. The inside of the heat exchanger allows the toxic flue gases produced...
Steam & Hot Water Boiler Systems By: Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector in Omaha, Nebraska Made out of cast iron, boiler systems were made to withstand the test of time. Nicknamed after battleships for their similarity in material, strength, & durability, it is not uncommon to find an old boil...
Street Creep By Greg Wayman, ASHI Certified Inspector in Omaha, Nebraska As a home inspector, I find evidence of street creep about 3-4 times a month on newer and existing homes. This occurs when the street has pushed the concrete driveway into the garage floor causing movement. Sometimes the mov...

Greg Wayman

ASHI Certified Inspector - 402-330-1701
local_phone(402) 330-1701
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My blog is packed full of home inspection related articles that are useful for homeowners, Buyers, Sellers, and real estate agents. I also post interesting inspection pics regularly as I run across something on my inspections that peak my interest. Enjoy!