Cody Wyoming Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - American West Realty and Management - 12599
American West Realty serves Cody, Powell, and the greater Big Horn Basin with sales, property management, and rentals. Contact us today for all your real estate needs!
Fishing Bridge to Indian Pond road reconstruction approved in Yellowstone National Park MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, WY –On September 8, 2017, Intermountain Regional Director Sue Masica approved a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) based on an environmental assessment (EA) recommended by Yellowston...
I inspected a rental last week and the tenant showed me that their upstairs toilet was constantly running. The fill valve was broke so I told them I would call a plumber for repairs Monday morning. Before I could make that call this morning, the tenant came into the office and told me the downsta...
CLOSED!2149 Shoshone Trail SouthCody, WY 82414 This fixer-upper took a lot of time and negotiating but we closed today and helped this growing family get into a new home!If you are in need of a real estate that works hard for you, Contact Nathan and Angie Gesner today! 3 beds              1 full ...
CLOSED! This was their first home but they needed more space for their growing family. We've helped them find a single-family home that meets their needs.At the same time, we helped one of our long-term renters become a first-time home owner! It's been a blessing to help both these families. If y...
Foreign Tenants Bring New ChallengesMany Americans don't understand what it's like to live in other countries. It's easy to assume other advanced nations are similar to ours with spacious houses, walk-in closets, dishwashers, dual-sided fridges, and the other common amenities.The truth is, even a...
The Millionaire Next DoorThe Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy I've heard about this book for several years but never bothered to pick it up. I found it at a garage sale this weekend and decided to spend the $1.00. I wasn't disappointed.The Millionaire Next Door is based on research by Thom...
Jay Markanich provides another tool to identify foundation problems. Heavy things must be founded well.  When they are not, over time, they will settle. Stoops and stairs are mostly made of strong, heavy materials, like concrete.  And when concrete stairs move, the foundation can't be far behind....
REBOOT: Combat Recovery Program in Cody, WyomingJoin us starting on Tuesday 9/26/17 at 6:30p for two hours a week for 12 weeks, focusing on the spiritual aspects of combat recovery. We are a free course - not a support group - providing practical help for veterans, service members and families de...
FREE Hazardous Waste Removal In Park County, Wyoming This is an opportunity for Park County residents to legally dispose of unwanted pesticides and household hazardous wastes in an environmentally sound method. This “No Questions Asked” disposal program is being offered FREE OF CHARGE jointly bet...
Habits: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly This is in response to a challenge by Debbie Reynolds to share some of our habits. Of course, the hard part is narrowing my bad habits down! My good habit is rising early to start my day. It's a habit instilled in me early in life because of school. We had ...