Lately, I am fascinated by all things video. My new obsession makes sense: I typically play some documentary or video in the background, while doing any kind of housework: cooking, cleaning, laundry. I do more listening than watching, but I’ve learned a lot from these videos. I’ve used my
The Active Rain point system works. Bob reminds us of its many benefits: Time for a Reminder... Why These Things are IMPORTANT! We are hearing a lot of people lately, including some of our fearless leaders who may be questioning the importance of the thing that separates Active Rain from all of
I just participated in the Active Rain Webinar with the new Owner, Ben Kinney and our awesome Active Rainer/Web Guru Bob Stewart. I wish I had an audio of the webinar, or at least a transcript for you to read - I'll work on getting one and adding the links to this post. I am so excited abo
I am elated to have back, instead of the ActiveRain/Trulia entity!We're getting Bob Stewart back too. Yay!Active Rain wants to hear from us. Take this short survey and garner 500 points!This introductory post will bring you up to speed on all the wonderful things in our future.