FHA loans are so great! It seems like they are the only loans gettign done right now. They add a little more time for the loan commitment but pair that with Bond Money and that is a great first timer loan. If you have any questions about FHA loans or Bond Money, please call me. I would love t
Doesn't it make sense for a big box retailer to invest in a solar panel firm just to get the panles at cost and cut down on their internal use of electricity? If Wal MArt, Home Depot, Lowe's, etc. all got together and decided to purchase a boat load of solar panels, wouldn't they get a great dea
If the fed's want to get rid of all the foreclosures out there, why don't they incentivize well capitalized investors to pick them up. I work with investors and I knwo most of them would pick up 10 times more properties if the government would subsidize the purchases by altering the tax code to
I had someone ask me the other day if I had seen an increase in business with the new FHA Tax Credit incentive. I thought for a second and realized that I haven't seen one Buyer yet get excited about the Tax Credit and I guess that's beacause most of my first time homebuyers are getting free mon
Instead of the Government taking on such a big task of buying up troubled banks troubled assets, why don't they improve the tax code as it applies to real estate to more favorable terms like it was before they chanaged it in the '80's?I think if they do something like this more qualified investor