Bottle bombs found here in Michigan. As if no one has enough to do now we have people out there making these “little bombs” and leaving them for anyone to see and pick up thinking it’s just a discarded plastic bottle. Remember when you would be walking down the street and you see a plastic bo...
There are still programs out there to help people. Scammers are everywhere. How many people that you know that have been taken in by one. It seems that for every downturn in any field there are people who try to take advantage of their fellow man. I don’t understand and I guess I never will. ...
HAPPY FATHER”S DAY to ALL my male peeps here on AR. Yes you know who you are. We’ve been communicating here for some time and have commented on each other’s blog posts for awhile. Tomorrow they set aside 24 hours to HONOR us for who we are. We pick up the messes in our children’s lives. We ho...
Extension of the Tax Credit passes in the Senate. Wonderful news for those still in the midst of trying to close their transactions in order to receive the (up to) 8000.00 Tax Credit 2010. They made the deadline of April 30th, 2010 to get the transactions accepted and now the date of June 30...
GRAR REBar Camp May 26, 2010 Carra Riley asked me what stood out for me at GRAR”s first REBar Camp. Well the one thing that stood out for me is the process called “Docu Sign”. For those who are not familiar with that technology it allows someone to electronically “sign” a document without prin...
When you think YOU are in control. Flying to see my sweetheart/significant other is a testimony to my LOVE for her because she knows very well that I do NOT enjoy flying. Yes I know it gets you from here to there much faster but if I have a preference I do like driving. A very comfortable ca...
Robert Brown | BellaBay Realty | 616 366 7030 1145 Hermitage ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI Cute and cozy. Maintenance free exterior. Lots of storage space. Some newer windows. 3BR/1BA Single Family House offered at $49,000 Year Built 1890 Sq Footage 1,104 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 full, 0 partial Floors ...
Memorial Day!! The True Heroes!! All of us have or at least know of someone that has served in the military or reserves here in this great country of ours. I have the honor of having a Dad (he has since passed away) and brother who have served honorably and still serve to this day. Have you e...
First Annual GR REBar Camp 2010 !! Can we say a rousing success!!!! Excellent speakers with excellent topics. Everyone needs to go to at least one of these Bar Camps. It was/is well worth the investment of your time to learn from your fellow peers. Social media is here to stay and we ALL nee...
CNN posted another promising article about areas to purchase affordable real estate. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come. Articles popping up on the internet showing signs of recovery. These are the type of articles that give me/us some hope that a recovery is in sight. After 24 y...