This is a very good post to get out to ALL your buyers who are in the process of purchasing a home. It's good that their are professional people out there willing to step to the forefront and give the straight scoop on this nagging issue. I hear "I Don't Want My Credit Pulled Because It Will Low...
Memorial Day 2012 This post will be short and sweet and to the point. To ALL our servicemen and servicewomen I want to personally thank you for your service to this great nation of ours. It’s people like you who have sacrificed for people like myself and others to be here in this country and...
Robert Brown | Bellabay Realty | (616) 366-7030 937 Nevada St SE, Grand Rapids, MI A very nice home located in Alger Heights. 3BR/2BA Single Family House offered at $96,900 Year Built 1946 Sq Footage 1,535 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors Unspecified Parking 1 Car garage Lot Size 50...
Never a smart thing to do. Way too much liability if you let this happen. If they need a place to stay that's why they have hotels. Time to make 1 smooth move versus 1 large headache. With all the talk about hot technology gadgets, social media, mobile devices somethings in real estate never chan...
99% of us already know this is going on. If you don't you need to read this. Tell your clients. Buyers need to be educated about the market. They need to know if they "snooze" they will undoubtedly lose through no fault of ours. Homebuyers Caught Off Guard by Bidding War That's the title of an ar...
A little humor mixed in with some hard truth. We(realtors) work hard for what we do and sometimes not appreciated for all our efforts. People think, at times we're overpaid but yet they wouldn't walk a day in our shoes and take the crap we take at times. This post made my afternoon. I was intervi...
Just an FYI. A little common sense goes a LONG way here in realtor/seller safety. A short but very informative post to remind your sellers about the pitfalls of letting folks in your house unattended(AKA without a realtor of THEIR choice). Pass the word around. A very good reminder. I received a ...