Robert L. Brown~Grand Rapids Real Estate's Blog

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   John Edwards.. Exit stage left!!!!   This came as a surprise to me but maybe not you. I really thought he was in the race for the long haul. It’s that this process seems to drag on endlessly that yes some of the candidates lose steam and they think it’s better to go out on their own gracefully...
 Cherie Inn.. One of Grand Rapids best kept secrets..     I had the opportunity to have breakfast at the wonderful Cherie Inn in GR’s SE side. Located at 969 Cherry St SE in a European style motif. I was invited to go there with a business banker who raved about this place. She wanted to touch b...
  Home prices drop severely…   When you’re out there in your market listing property there will be several seller’s who think there properties are worth what they think it is( vs what the market says it is)  please show them the article attached below. We who are in the trenches daily have seen a...
  Have you noticed??    This may or may not be a redundant statement but have you noticed the number of calls from people soliciting you here on Active Rain. I actually received two calls yesterday. One from a mortgage company and the other from a referral network trying to sell leads. I’m always...
  Obama takes South Carolina …..    He takes it with 55% of the vote. Not bad. Not bad at all. Still the idea of having to crisscross the US from state to state just to get a nomination. There should be a simpler process. I know this has been in place for decades but I’m all for someone coming up...
  Tax Rebates and all that jazz…….      So with this rebate what will it accomplish? 1200.00 for a couple. 600 for an individual. Now I’m not saying not to be grateful for it but how long in this economy will that money last.  For some that’s a house payment. Others a car payment.  Will this real...
  Love everyone..That means the enemies too…   Matthew 5:  43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[h] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[i] and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on th...
  Feed your fellow man….   John 21: 15When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?"       "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you."       Jesus said, "Feed my lambs."  16Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you tru...
   Breaking News: Feds Cut the Rate.. Again    In another extraordinary move the Federal Reserve cut the interest rate by .75% to try and head off a recession. Is this too late? Many people are wondering when the downward spiral will come to an end. If there are ANY tentative buyers around now is...
  Now the infighting begins…   For the life of me I don’t understand why politicians within their own party resort to squabbling between each other. It has happened since as far back as one can remember. It’s like a free for all and whoever is standing when the dust settles is our candidate. Now ...

Robert L. Brown

Grand Rapids Real Estate Bellabay Realty, West Mic
local_phone(616) 871-1309
smartphone(616) 528-0736
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