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  Matthew 13: 18-23   18"Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20The one who received the seed that fe...
  Matthew 11: 28-30   28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  I’m feeling like the weight of ...
  Luke  11:5-10  5Then he said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and he goes to him at midnight and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, 6because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.'  7"Then the one inside answers, 'Don't bother me...
  The Beatitudes 1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them saying:  3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,       for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  4Blessed are those who mourn,       for they will be comforted.  5...
  Luke 10:1-4  1After this the Lord appointed seventy-two[a] others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harve...
Robert L Brown | Flexit Realty | 616 366 7030 1451 N SAXONY DR SE , Grand Rapids, MI Great value.. Spacious bedrooms.. Partial finished basement.. Appliances included.. 2BR/1.5BA Single Family House offered at $69,999 Year Built 1968 Sq Footage 1,490 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 full, 1 partial Floors...
  Looking for opinions on this subject.  For those of you who have been in this particular situation I just need some insight. If your son or daughter came to you having financial difficulties how would you handle it? One of my children is going thru a tough time and they need help taking care of...
  A word of prayer for a friend.   I was informed this morning that a friend of mines mom has an inoperable form of cancer and she was given a year to live. I have never met her (the mother) but spoke with her on the phone before. Her daughter and I (their names are Jackie and Angelica) are good ...
  This is what life is all about. Them Them to family and friends.   Tomorrow the number “53” will be circling around my head. Yes it’s my birthday and yes I’m going to 53 but that’s not the reason for this post. It basically comes down to this. The Lord sees fit to keep me here to watch my child...
   UPDATE!!! Hard Money. Where to find it and how accessible is it.   I have a few clients in the Grand Rapids area who are looking for hard money (preferably private) who would be interested in purchasing commercial properties and then sell them on a land contract back to my clients? I don’t kno...

Robert L. Brown

Grand Rapids Real Estate Bellabay Realty, West Mic
local_phone(616) 871-1309
smartphone(616) 528-0736
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