I never thought these words would come out of this keyboard, but OhMyGolly, thank you, Google! />Thursday before last, the Wall Street Journal spilled the beans on what Google has been up to for the past two years -- and how it fits into the ‘next generation of search’. It hasn’t been announced
But who doesn’t? Whenever I fall for a blog title like the above, as often as not I’ve already whizzed past it while speed-scanning for something else. But if there is such a thing as latent curiosity effect, I’ve got it. The chances are pretty good that a few moments later I’ll be thinking, ‘W
Yup. It’s the Freshness Algorithm, announced late last year on the official Google website. It’s one of the 500 or so changes they make every year to keep everyone coming to them first whenever they search for anything. In case you haven’t had that first cuppa yet, that was no misprint. 500
I hear it all the time, and it sounds awfully familiar. It used to happen to me, too – I’d make a new years resolution nailing down exactly how diligent I was going to be in keeping my blog and site fresh fresh fresh, and then…I bet you know what happens next… Life happens. Business happens. Ev
Let's try and keep this just between you and me...(we wouldn't want any of this to get out to the other brokers and agents who are trying to corral a lot of search engine traffic). Is anyone else listening? Good! Here's something I'm beginning to suspect. It could be that some Google AdWords cam
Charlie Sheen is still on the road, headed to Houston to milk the last ounce out of what for most of us would have been an extremely humiliatiing series of personal embarrassments. The top-rated TV star may be an abhorrent example of personal deportment, but man! does he know how to wade headfir
Every time She sends me to the market to pick up the missing ingredient, I'm struck by the difference between the official COLA inflation numbers and the unofficial experience I have when I check out prices on the cola aisle. The COLA/cola disconnect has some repercussions for our business, too.
Of all the definitions of who we are, I like this one best: in the real estate SEO world, we are the ones who've got it exactly backward. While everyone else is struggling to make their site and their blog so appealing that the world will create links back to their content, we're the outfit that
The large amountof otherwise productive time spent in pursuit of high placement on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) is done for good reason. Strong SERP placement is the virtual equivalent of "location location location" in the real world. Or having yard signs on corner lots all over town.
The marketing experts talk endlessly about 'brand top of mind', a likeable term that explains itself. Because my day is spent dealing with things webical, I make it a habit to pause when I hear the beep that signals an enote dispatch from practicalecomerce.com, the foremost periodical in the fiel