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Education & Training - Horizon Lending Services, LLC - NMLS # 942863
  You are probably wondering what you should do if your identity has been stolen. First, call the 3 national credit reporting organizations immediately, and place a fraud alert on your name and Social Security number. This alert means that any company that checks your credit knows your informati...
We’ve all heard horror stories about HOA fees, but these days condo purchases can come with something worse: looming one-time fees to be used on specific projects. Before you purchase a condo, do some digging into the condo association’s history, budget, and any upcoming repairs. This will help y...
Oddly enough, when you pay off a debt, it can actually hurt your credit! Here is the explanation: On your credit report, negative items are allowed to stay for a maximum of seven years (except for bankruptcy which can stay for a maximum of ten years). So, let us assume you have a charge off or a ...
With the weather getting warmer, here's a great refreshing beverage you can enjoy: Easy Sweet Tea- 3 family-size tea bags, or   10 single-serving tea bags- 1.5 cup sugar- A pinch (1/8 tsp) baking soda   (removes bitterness and darkens   the brewed tea)- 1 gallon purified waterIn a small pot, boil...
  Urban Legends & Internet ScamsSorting Fact from Fiction Urban legends have been a part of popular culture for years. We've all heard suspicious stories that supposedly happened to a "friend of a friend" but which couldn't be verified. Remember the story about Mikey, the Life® cereal spokes chi...
Wondering What to do This Weekend?A Local Activity Guide Despite the amazing technological advances we have made over the past few decades, there are still just 24 hours in a day. While we try our best to juggle the demands of work and home, it can be exhausting just getting through the week. Whe...
FHA Rescinds Select Credit Guides Mortgagee Letter 2012-10 rescinds guidelines regarding disputed accounts and collection accounts that were announced February 28, 2012 via Mortgagee Letter 2012-03. Here is just 1 of the 2 things YOU NEED TO KNOW about these changes: Effective now, the FHA guides...
Avoiding Scams After the Loss of a Loved One The loss of a loved one is never an easy experience for any family, and people can be understandably distracted and overwhelmed during these times. Unfortunately, scam artists tend to capitalize on people when they're most vulnerable. Some even use the...
    5 Secrets to Leaving More Effective Voicemail Messages The following tips can help you be more effective and get better results with voice messages:Don't Talk So Much. You have a limited window to make your point. That means you can't provide a lot of background information or cover multiple...
How to Stand Out from the CrowdMarketing 101 The purpose of marketing is to obtain mental real estate. Competition is fierce these days, as consumers are bombarded with distractions from every direction. How can you make sure that your message is heard and remembered?Communication is Key Whether ...

Sharon Mistowski

Horizon Lending Services, LLC
local_phone(972) 347-9224
smartphone(972) 569-7226
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