Sharon Lee's thoughts, ideas and passions

Services for Real Estate Pros - Sharon Lee's Virtual Assistance
Good evening everyone-I am sure everyone has heard the expression "Thinking outside the box" Well I have a raised flower bed with vincas and a couple of snapdragons that self seeded from last yr but in addition to them growing in the box there are a few of the vincas that were thinking outside th...
Hello everyone-Last week I visited 4 different gardens from a 1077 acre one in PA to a 75 acre one in Richmond and 2 in between and took lots and lots of pictures. I like to take pics of plants I haven't seen before but also an overview of the gardens and just flowers and plants that catch my eye...
Good Sunday afternoon everyone-I came home from getting last minute things for my trip next week and this freaky looking bug greeted me on my front step. I didn't want it coming in my house so I put a plastic container over it and then went inside and got my camera. I cropped it so it isn't as cl...
Good Friday evening everyone-This is my first crop of summer squash. It was not my intention to plant 6 of them but all they had was a six pack of them when I went to buy them and hated the idea of just throwing any of them away,  Since I love them I will be enjoying a bountiful supply of them an...
Good afternoon everyone-Tomorrow is a special day for Shadow and I.  We have been together for 3 yrs.  I had no intention of getting another kitty after my kitty Lindsey died on March 5 2012 but life has a way of surprising you and on July 12, 2012  I rescued my beautiful. loving, affectionate an...
Hello everyone-I took this photo at Busch gardens in May. He was quite animated and also is a good size fellow with beautiful feathers.  I am more of a outside bird person than an inside bird person. They are quite noisy.  Even the little ones are plus outside you don't have to clean up their dro...
Good morning everyone-I took this picture when I went to Chincoteague and was on the boat cruise. This home is actually for sale but the thing is there is no electricity, no running water, no heat and the front step is a doozy and the only way to get to it is by boat and then you would have to pu...
Good morning everyone-Hope you had a fabulous 4th of July.  I came across the quote (below) and it is perfect for me because of my trips I take now and for the future good Lord willing.  I have plans to travel the U.S. and Canada in a motorhome when I am free to do so but until then my car or pla...
Good morning everyone-My garden is a lot of work but there are many rewards and these pretty blooms are what make the work worthwhile. I have 4 of this color hibiscus. They are shorter than the others and the branches die back on them and you cut them and the new shoots come up thru the dead wood...
Good morning everyone-I have some shrubs that are blooming in my garden for the summer.  I have several of them in different locations. They are Hibiscus. In addition to the purple ones which I have more of I also have a pink. one and a wht with maroon edges. That should be in bloom soon. My butt...

Sharon Lee

Retired and loving life
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Virtual assistance for realtors