Sharon Lee's thoughts, ideas and passions

Services for Real Estate Pros - Sharon Lee's Virtual Assistance
Hello everyone-I think there is many areas in the country experiencing some cold winter temps. Living in NY for all my life but the last 8 yrs you would think the temps like we had last night which was 9* and only high of 24* today would seem like a heat wave and it really is compared to Northern...
Good evening everyone-It is a New Year and this lady is a new blogger and it is her first post. Join me in welcoming her to Active Rain. Her name is Jennifer Halm and she has been a realtor for 20 years.  She lives in Great Falls and is originally from Texas.  Check out my article on a unique app...
Hi everyone-As 2014 draws to a close I like many of you look forward to the New Year and all the possibilities that come with it. As with any year it has it challenges and it's rewards.  Over the years I have learned to take the physical challenges in stride as well as the full time caretakers ch...
Happy Monday everyone-I have had birds and bird feeders for many years.  I have had quite a variety and some rare sightings of others that don't frequent the feeders as often or only at certain times of year. I have had chickadees, nuthatches(both wht and rose breasted ones). Several kinds of woo...
Good morning everyone-I know Monday is generally known as a day needing motivation and this being the last Monday before Christmas I thought I would share this with you.  Enjoy the holiday season, be safe in your travels and have peace joy and love in your heart to last all year long.            ...
Just a little Christmas humor on the last Saturday before Christmas.  I am sure lots of dog owners can relate to this sign. So did you get what the sign around the doggie's neck really meant? If not scroll down and I will reveal the answer V V V V V V                                   Feliz Navidad
Good afternoon everyone-My garden is also partly a bird sanctuary with many shrubs with berries.  I also have trees that will have berries. The trees and shrubs are varying sizes but are all doing pretty well.  The thing I haven't really noticed is the birds eating them. Maybe they didn't get the...
Good morning everyone-If nothing else grows you can count on weeds growing even when you do your best to thwart them.  This is the lattice that is around the bottom of my woman cave and last year I got down on my hands and knees and crawled under the building and put heavy black plastic the whole...
Good morning everyone-Earlier in the year I came across this vinca that had sprouted where it wasn't planted. The shrub has berries on it and I had transplanted it to this spot.  However later on after the transplant of the shrub I discovered this vinca growing where I didn't plant it. What I hav...
Good morning everyone-It is probably not just on mine but today, yesterday and maybe even the day before. NO comments are showing up on the home page when someone comments on your blogs. What does show up is if someone LIKES it or TAGS you in it. Also comments you make for the day don't show up o...

Sharon Lee

Retired and loving life
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Virtual assistance for realtors