Sharon Lee's thoughts, ideas and passions

Services for Real Estate Pros - Sharon Lee's Virtual Assistance
  Good afternoon everyone-Last Friday I believe it was I reached out to a lady (Wanda Kubat-Nerdin) who I greatly admire and respect and have been following her blogs for a while now as well as on FB. She lives in St George Utah with her husband Michael. Wanda has two sons, Sebastian and Spensyr...
Good afternoon everyone-Like you all know this is Monday and probably an ordinary Monday for you. Well for one special Active Rain ambassador this isn't just another Monday. This Monday is her birthday. So if you didn't catch the fact that today was her birthday on FB or you aren't on FB. Yes a s...
Good morning everyone-Every since my bluebirds made their winter appearance again I wanted to have their favorite food available to them.                "MEALWORMS" While they have a funky smell to me the bluebirds love them. I put two feeders out back separate from the rest of the birds and wait...
Good morning everyone. This article was sent to me in an e-mail and I thought it was pretty interesting and thought I would share it. Do any of you meditate and if you do what are your thoughts on this? Since I deal with widespread chronic pain I thought I might try it. Nothing ventured nothing g...
Good morning everyone-As many of you know I spent my birthday last year at Gayle Rich Boxman's who lives in a beautiful place called Fishhawk lake. One of the things I did while I was there was take pictures. As I told Gayle my photos don't compare to hers but it does transport you to a beautiful...
Good morning everyone. Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest but that isn't always the case. I am thinking that I need to take Sundays off. 9 weeks ago today I stubbed my little toe on my left foot and broke it. The toe is almost healed according to the doctor but I tore ligaments and tendons an...
Good evening everyone-Many of you have been participating in a contest this month put on by Debbie Reynolds called Ringing and Singing in the Rain. Since I am more of a behind the scenes kind of gal. I didn't participate in the contest but had read several blogs from people who did. Well early ev...
Good morning everyone-One of the places I went on my trip in August-Sept last year was Pagosa Springs.  It was quite a long drive down there from Colorado Springs but it was a gorgeous day and the sun was shining so my road trip was very scenic. Now I didn't get pics of Pagosa Springs because I d...
Good Monday morning all-Often times Monday is a day that people need motivation after the weekend. On a Monday when it is raining and dreary with a forecast for freezing rain even more so. Most of you that follow me know I am a huge bird watcher and lover and have spent a lot of time and effort t...

Sharon Lee

Retired and loving life
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Virtual assistance for realtors