Join Your Local Real Estate Investors Club!By: Michael ThompsonCo-Founder of the S.W. FL. Real Estate Investors Assoc. Have you seen the infomercial on TV with the guy that has question marks all over his business suit, screaming that the Government wants to give you thousands of dollars for free...
SWFL REIA General MeetingThis meeting is sponsored by our Newest Corp Sponsor   Thomas Starck,, Real Estate Appraiser Thomas will speak for 10 minutes on current appraisal standards. Thomas sponsored a meeting to help educate people about the current market! Thanks Thomas. Knowledge withheld is K...
Greetings Everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I was introduced to this fantastic web site called Listingbook.  I want you to be apart of this, this is awesome, you're going to love it!Listingbook works side by side with the local MLS and provides the Buyers and Sellers in this market an ...
Lee County General MeetingWednesday, September 19th, 2007NEW MEETING LOCATION&NOW ON WEDNESDAY'S!Island Park Bridge Club, 16520 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers, FL. 33908 Hosted By:  Michael LyonsDoors Open at 6:00 PM Meeting Starts at 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM  FEATURED SPEAKER:DAVID C. BUFTONOWNER, LDB C...
Lee County Monthly Luncheon 1st Thursday of each Month Next Luncheon: Thursday, September 6th, 2007Time:  11:30 AM to 1:00 PMWhere:  Char Grillhouse, 2431 Cleveland Ave, Ft. Myers, FL. 33901Cost:  Lunch OnlyHost:  Michael ThompsonGuest Speaker:  Jack SollowayOwner of Secure Holdings LLC & Securit...
 Collier County General MeetingMonday, September 17th, 2007N.A.B.O.R. - 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples, FL. Hosted By:  Michael ThompsonDoors Open at 6:00 PM Meeting Starts at 6:30 PM to 8:15PM  FEATURED SPEAKER:DAVID C. BUFTONOWNER, LDB CAPITAL, INC.David's Topic:"What THEY Don't Want You To Know ...
The S.W. Florida R.E.I.A.Proudly Presents... S.W. Florida Real Estate Expo 2007!September 22nd, 2007 at the Harborside Event CenterContinental Breakfast from 8:00AM to 8:45 AMExpo Begins Promptly at 9:00 AM MULTIPLE CASH GIVEAWAY'S!    The S.W. Florida Real Estate Expo 2007 is a multi speaker con...
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Aug. 17, 2007 - A proposal to let homeowners take at least part of their existing tax breaks with them when they move received a frosty reception Thursday from part of a commission studying Florida's tax structure.Several members of the Taxation and Budget Reform Commissi...
The S.W. Florida R.E.I.A.Proudly Presents... S.W. Florida Real Estate Expo 2007September 22nd, 2007Continnental Breakfast from 8:00AM to 8:45 AMExpo Begins Promptly at 9:00 AM MULTIPLE CASH GIVEAWAY'S!    The S.W. Florida Real Estate Expo 2007 is a multi speaker conference with focus on real esta...
Offering 4% in compensation to Realtors or Bird Dogs.The prices of these homes reflect builders cost!  Job #Model Total Sq. Ft.Living Sq. Ft.Listing PriceAdressDirections119Villinova20491576180,000923 Lemon Hill Dr.                     Dunnellon 3443140 EAST TO US41 T/RT GO TO RAINBOW LAKES BLVD ...

Michael Thompson

Michael Thompson
smartphone(239) 340-1685
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