HUD Announces $8000 Tax Credit can be used as downpayment for Homebuyers News from NAR - Washington D.C. Shaun Donovan, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said that the Federal Housing Administration is going to permit its lenders to allow homeowners to use the $8...
Many short sale specialists out there are ready to sell you books, tapes, videos and coaching time no matter where you live as long as you have a major credit card. Plus if you google "short sales tips, help or expert", you will find 100,000's of gurus (including Mike Realtor) dishing out short ...
Time for The Friday Roll Call!!!! Let's get positive!! I am dedicating another post just to allow all of us the opportunity to read a positive story or two. I will start!!: 1. Have two closings set for next week. 2. Taught a great Short Sale class to some new agents. 3. I am leaving today to go t...
Short Sale Realtor tip #10, Top 5 reasons why a seller should choose a Short Sale over a Foreclosure, Troy, MI: With a Short Sale, you have Leverage to negotiate terms with the bank, a Foreclosure you have none. Often with a foreclosure, the asset is worth less then the note so the investor can h...
I enjoy a very high Short Sale closing ratio. I.E., if I list a home as a Short Sale, I often sell it. Many other realtors can not boast the same claim. Why am I so successful while others are not? Not because I am smarter or better connected then them. I NEVER QUIT!!!! I remember watching t...
Recently I had a Seller in my office wanted me to Short Sale his home. The Seller had already stopped making payments, not because he could make them, but because he was advise by "A Short Sale Specialist" that for some reason is now out of the picture. Seller is now months behind. He has a n...
Time for The Friday Roll Call!!!! Let's get positive!! I am dedicating another post just to allow all of us the opportunity to read a positive story or two. I will start!!: Had 4 closing this week. Taught a great Short Sale class to some local agents. Taking my family to NYC next Friday. Have 4 S...
Recently I heard another agent yelling on the phone with a loss mitigation rep for a short sale. She was screaming “you better take this offer or your bank will go under and you’ll be out of a job”. Well in a few weeks, the home was foreclosed on and the agent was out of a sale. It is not their f...
One of the best purchases I have made in 2009 was a PDF editor. I use Nuance® PDF Converter Professional 5. It has been “the cats meow!!” I am able to take PDFs from the bank, add my client’s information, put in signature tags or highlight relevant passages and forward them by email to my clients...
Time For The Friday Roll Call!!!! Let's get positive!! I am dedicating another post just to allow all of us the opportunity to read a positive story or two. I will start!!: Went to a great class to become a CDPE (Certified Distress Property Expert) Teaching a Short Sale seminar on the 29th of Apr...