Friday, February 6th at 7 PM and everyone is invited! The Grand Cafe at 501 Geary St. @the Bar. Great atmosphere with Petite Cafe seating adjacent the bar for bites and plenty of choices nearby for food as well. You, your friends, your friends friends...
Will they find you? Make no mistake about it, they are looking. Yesterday I saw a tweet by my friend Nick. He mentioned that And yes they did… If you don’t know, Nick is the guy behind a supreme example of hyperlocal blogging. Here’s Nick, Lori and the cameraman who wouldn
Maybe the BEST Video Introduction EVER! This was done by Time Dalkat on Seesmic if we’re voting soon, Time wins hands down! I’m off to check out his Blog: Time, I loved it! My biggest question is after something like this - how are
My personal Avatar is actually a screen shot from a television appearance. I was sitting with all the studio lighting in front of a green screen. The images behind me were broadcast as blurred on purpose. It’s a standard TV thing. Here’s how to do that effect yourself, without TV.
Image via Wikipedia This is Part 2 – The Outside Applications Read Part 1 – Paying to setup your WP Blog? I started compiling this list when I started setting up my newest site, says Takes seconds, costs nada You can get a blog started in less time than it
With the Presidential Inauguration today you can expect to see a higher than average jump in Twitter traffic today. I’m hoping today to not see the Fail Whale and instead, we do a whole lot more ING today! Happy Inauguration Day America! BTW: If you want to make your own Obama Styled Poster
It’s funny, as a motorcyclist we have an acronym. ATGATT It’s pronounced just like it sounds. It stands for All The Gear, All The Time and it serves as a reminder to wear your boots, pants, jacket, gloves and helmet when you ride. I was trying to come up with something clever for using a Tripod
Breaking News! Image via Wikipedia From the Official Google Video Blog: In a few months, we will discontinue support for uploads to Google Video. Don’t worry, we’re not removing any content hosted on Google Video — this just means you will no longer be able to upload new content to the service.
Image by noway via Flickr "It’s not just the flow of information," Shirley said, "What it has to do with is having mechanisms where you are interacting with people who are outside of the office in a meaningful way. And I’ve got to look for every opportunity to do that–ways that aren’t scripted,