I get a lot of calls these days from real estate agents wondering what effect a short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure (DLF from here forward) will have on borrowers’ credit. That is a really important and interesting question, since the last real estate downturn preceded the widespread use o...
We’re all aware by now of the recent legislation making mortgage insurance (MI or PMI) tax deductible in 2007. As review, here are the current limitations: Applies only to mortgages closed in 2007Annual household income cannot exceed $100,000Temporary, must be extended to remain in effect for 20...
If anything makes me spit nails these days, it’s the way lenders are pushing “Pay Option” Arms. Back in the day, if you uttered the words “negative amortization”, people would leap up and run the other way. Everybody knew somebody with a horror story to tell. So we shelved these loans for a few ...