Kellie Morrissey, Buyer Specialist for the Mountain Living Team, has received her GRI designation. GRI, Graduate Realtor Institute, is the mark of a real estate professional who has made the commitment to provide a high level of professional services by securing a strong educational foundation.
According to the Social Security Administration Social Security makes up at least 90% of major sources of income for 34% of the people age 65 or older and is at least 50% of income for another 31%. That's a lot of people relying pretty heavily on their Social Security benefits! If we assume the
Summit County is a must for every avid, outdoor enthusiast. No matter what you enjoy doing outdoors Summit County is the place to experience it. Whether it's fly fishing, tennis, bicycling or mountain biking, hiking, sailing, kayaking, snowmobiling or skiing and riding at any of the world clas
After reading another Active Rain post by Maggie Dokic I discovered I can take my Excel spreadsheets, upload them into google docs and embed them in my blog posts! What a great feature. I had to give it a try. I have to be honest, I had to click on help to figure out how it works. But after 15 mi
Yup, there was some serious choking going on in Boston last night. Even I was choking, choking back the tears as the Rockies rotated through their pitchers without any difference in results. They couldn't quiet the bats of Boston. No matter where Boston hit the ball there wasn't a Rockies guy
You may think the Rockies were lucky to get a shot at the Wildcard spot in the playoffs. You may think they were lucky to beat the Padres to be the Wildcard team. You can even argue that they were lucky to sweep two great teams to get to the World Series, but come on, who is that lucky? It's al
Summit County is a great place for not only the ski condo at the base of the mountain but also for the magnificent summer home. Even if you don't like cold weather and winter activities, don't rule out Colorado's Rocky Mountains for your vacation home just yet.Summit County includes the communiti
All I ever wanted to know about waste is how to flush the toilet and, reluctantly, how to use the plunger. If your house is connected to a sewer system, you may be able to get by on that knowledge, but if you have a septic system there is a little more information you should know that may help y
Gore Trail condos are located at the top of Wildernest at an altitude of approximately 9720 feet. It's 2.3 miles up Ryan Gulch Road, which starts out as Wildernest Road from Highway 9. It's a great location at the top of Wildernest with spectacular mountain views from the parking lot. Just aro
The earliest open ever happened today at A Basin. With only one run open the place is packed! It's hard to believe they could do it. It was probably a shorts day on the mountain, here in Frisco I ate lunch outside.I swiped this image from A Basin's web cam. I thought many of my readers would