Real Estate Virtual Assistant - Megan Barber

Services for Real Estate Pros - Barber Virtual Assisting Solutions, LLC
Vineland, New Jersey. Megan Barber has successfully completed the REAL ESTATE WEBOGRAPHERTM certification to join an elite group of real estate professionals who have earned the prestigious certification offered through the National Institute of Webographers, LLC ( M...
So yesterday I told about some of my client's Craig's List ads being flagged due to a campaign being waged against Realtors by some Craig's List users.This is an example of what we're dealing with here in Santa Fe's Craig's List: It is frustrating...
So is Craig's List really worth taking the time to post in?  Who is really seeing good results? Or what about using something like vFlyer or Postlets?  Do people really care or pay more attention to those "fancier" html ads done through something like vFlyer or Postlets? I know agents really like...
Though today my business is technically "closed", I just wanted to stop in and wish each and everyone in the Active Rain community a very Merry Christmas!As I look around and see all the packages wrapped, the ornaments hung, and the house spotless, clean and ready for guests, I want to take time ...
The post might out me as a complete web/gaming geek, but I stumbled upon a web traffic tracking tool that I thought was just too fun. Those that are familiar with simulation games such as SimCity, The Sims, or even Second Life, might get a little bit of a kick out of this. Let me introduce you to...
I posted about this on my own separate blog, but I thought I would share with the Active Rain community too. Don't you just love stumbling upon a hidden gems? A few weeks ago at the NAR conference, I must have walked by this booth a half dozen times before one of my colleages told me that I must ...
Anyone have any Craig's List horror stories?I've spent much of the last two days putting out fires for one of my lovely Realtor clients that all came through Craig's List. And not through any of her own ads we had been posting.First thing Thanksgiving morning, my poor client started getting phone...
After a few days of decompressing from my trip to Vegas (and resting my feet), today I'm back from NAR, back in my office, and back in action! There were a reported 37,000 in attendance this year and I was thrilled to meet Realtors from all over the world. Just meeting new vendors and learning ab...
Meet members of the IREAA at NAR! In a little less than 2 weeks I am heading off to Las Vegas and joining my colleagues from the IREAA for this year's NAR Conference and Expo Nov. 13 - 16th. It should be an exciting conference and a great opportunity to meet new vendors and Realtors from all over...
Something as simple as a photo can make or break one's impression of a property. When listing a property it is crucial to have good pictures for potential buyers to look at on the web and in print advertising.  Now a days, most web consumers will just plain skip over listings that they cannot see...

Megan Barber

local_phone(609) 502-2620
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Facts, findings and other stuff from one of your resident Real Estate Virtual Assistants.
