Mark Peek | Rocklin Real Estate Agent | Roseville Real Estate Agent | Granite Bay Real Estate Agent

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Mark Peek | Rocklin Short Sale | Roseville Short Sale | Lincoln Short Sale | Short Sale Agent. Mark Peek specializes in helping sellers avoid foreclosure in Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln, Granite Bay, Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, Orangevale, Folsom, El Dorado Hills, Sacramento, and Surrounding areas.
Roseville Short Sale Help - Roseville Short Sale Specialist, Mark Peek, recently received a question from Sara.  Here is Sara's Question. "Is it legal for a seller to buy their own short sale to reduce their mortgage balance?” asked Sara. Discover how other sellers successfully did a Roseville Sh...
Buying a Roseville Short Sale – If you are looking to buy a home, then you probably want to get the best deal. January is the best time to be purchasing a home. Let me explain why. A lot of people put their homes on the market in January. In addition, there are very few people looking to buy a h...
Short Sale Help in Roseville CA – Roseville Short Sale Agent, Mark Peek, recently received a question from Tom. Here is Tom's Question.  "I divorced four years ago. We had had our home on the market for some time, but it wasn't selling. My ex needed money to buy another home. Since it wasn't sel...
  Roseville Short Sale Advice – Many agents and buyers are scared of short sales. Here is something that I do to make the short sale process easier for the home seller. Before I start negotiations with your lender, I will order a complete title search. Here is why I do that. I want to know all th...
Short Sale Advice in Roseville CA – Roseville Short Sale Agent, Mark Peek, recently received a question from Patty. She is buying a home and her agent is trying to talk her out of short sales. Here is Patty’s question. “I am looking to buy a home. Some of the best priced properties are short sal...
Short Sale Expert Roseville CA – Roseville Short Sale Expert, Mark Peek, occasionally gets  comments from people that short sales are impossible. Well, short sales are not impossible. They just take time. Here is an example. Mark Peek submitted a short sale offer on a property. The bank turned d...
Short Sale Roseville CA – Here is another common loan modification mistake that many homeowners make. They accept a very short term payment agreement that is not a loan modification. They could have gotten a real modification, but settled for whatever the lender recommended to them. They settled...
  Roseville Short Sale Realtor – A lot of people in today’s lending market are stuck. They locked in  their interest rate when rates were higher. Now, they are barred from refinancing because they are upside down on their house. Whenever they apply for a new loan, the first thing the lender says ...
Short Sale Expert Roseville CA  - Mark Peek answers one of the first questions a potential short sale seller asks us. “I heard of something called “forgiveness of debt income and that it is taxable. How does that work?” they ask. The following article is my personal opinion only. I recommend that...
Roseville Short Sale Agent - Short Sale Inventory is Rising in Roseville, CA - Mark Peek, reports that Short Sales are on the rise in Roseville and account for a substantial amount of available homes on the market today. There are 506 Short Sales that are unsold out of 948 total homes for sale in...

Mark Peek

Peek Real Estate Group - Roseville CA Real Estate
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Author Bio: Mark Peek | Rocklin Short Sale | Roseville Short Sale | Lincoln Short Sale | Short Sale Agent. Mark Peek specializes in helping sellers avoid foreclosure in Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln, Granite Bay, Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, Orangevale, Folsom, El Dorado Hills, Sacramento, and Surrounding areas.