Realtor’s Safety First: Protect and Serve: An Urgent Need to protect ourselves as we serve the public As a Realtor and being in the business a number of years, learning to do things differently requires hard work, but it is a must for our safety- “Realtor’s Safety First.” This is not a time to b...
What does “Professional ethics has to do with it? Caution! You are about to enter the RENIA-Zone (Real Estate News, Information and Action Zone!) Breaking Real Estate News The Importance of Professional Ethics, the lack of it and the Consequences The Lack of Professional Ethics have consequen...
BPO Companies that do not pay! Have you been infected? What say you? (Need your feedback) Questions? · In the past 12 months, as a Real Estate Professional, has any BPO company refused to pay for your services · Was the refusal verbally and/or in writing? · What kind of r...
Tenants' Rights in Foreclosure: What we need to know as a Real Estate Professional Another Side of Foreclosure: The "Forgotten Victims:" Tenants who live in properties in foreclosure should know their rights Tenants' Rights could possibly be violated; but there is help from California Department ...
Warning to Homeowners who are facing foreclosures: An Need to Know for Real Estate Professionals too! Be aware of phony lawsuits filed from Foreclosure Consultant and Attorneys who have conned Homeowners into paying thousands of dollars. According to California Department of Justice these are t...
SHORT SALE FACT SHEET: FOR BUYERS What is a Short Sale? A short sale transaction is a sale of a property in which the outstanding debt (in the form of mortgages - such as purchase loans, refinance loans, home-equity loans, or one of the various other types of loans secured by your property) was...
Realtors's Leverage: What does it mean? Are we using it? First, let's look at what leverage mean? Leverage is · A strategic advantage; · A power to act effectively; · Having a greater ability to influence the other side. · A Positional advantage · The...
Courage: Wear it well! "Be bold in what you stand for, but careful in what you fall for." Courage is that quality of mind which enable people to encounter danger or difficulty with firmness, or without fear or depression of spirits. The courage of great leaders are demonstrated in their being ...