Nobody is more deserving to be a home owner in Santa Cruz County than our teachers. As a former teacher, I great pleasure from helping teachers purchase their first home. Heidi works as special education teacher in Watsonville and her husband works for Good Will Industries in Santa Cruz. They ...
Have you ever been in a relationship that you knew had no real future and yet it was so hard to break it off? You start out by having occasional doubts. Little by little those doubts become all consuming thoughts. You have trouble concentrating at work and may even lose some sleep thinking abou...
Wachovia (aka World Savings and Golden West) currently has the most aggressive program to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. Today I attended training at the Santa Cruz Board of Realtors put on by a Wachovia Short Sale Manger from Santa Clara In the current world of processing nightmares for s...
I have just finished setting up a new website at . It is also listed as a link on the bottom, right-hand-side of this webiste. The purpose of this website is to give home owners who are dealing with some kind of hardship or distress information on all of their optio...
As a former second grade teacher in Watsonville, one of my goals in Real Estate has always been to help teachers buy homes. One of the upsides of the drop in home prices has been that I have been able to help more teachers and other local buyers purchase their first home. Along with the reduction...
Is it too early to say that the local real estate market has started to recover? There are a lot of indicators pointing in that direction. What else can you call it when you see a decrease in supply alongside an increase in demand? I am no economist, but then again, it does not take an expert ...
"Should I make my mortgage payment?" This is question that I have been asked many times by property owners considering doing a short sale. My first answer is always the same. I let them know that I am not qualified to give that kind of advise and that they should consult their financial plan...
As a former educator, I place a high value on continuing education and have made it my goal to continue seeking advanced training and education in my field. I have just enrolled in the CDPE training in October in San Jose, CA. This course has been highly rec commended to me by a my Real Estate B...
I have received many calls from homeowners who are underwater on their mortgages and/or are having trouble making their payments due to job loss or rates that have adjusted too high to be affordable. The first place I direct distressed homeowners is to the free HUD hot line, HOPE NOW. The websi...
As a former educator, I place a high value on continuing education and have made it my goal to continue seeking advanced training and education in my field. I have just enrolled in the CDPE training in October in San Jose, CA. This course has been highly rec commended to me by a my Real Estate B...