Mike Berrios's (mberrios) Blog

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Mortgage and Lending - Integrity Home Finance - NMLS 155795
Mortgage Bonds are trading near unchanged levels, thanks to tame consumer inflation data. The Personal Consumption Expenditure Index met expectations for January, and the year-over-year rate remained well within the Fed's comfort zone. In other news, Personal Income came in well below expectatio...
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  Since 2007, foreclosures have dominated real estate news.  You can't turn on the news or open a paper without some foreclosure-related story.  But for all of the discussion, foreclosures continue to be geographically concentrated.  Adding up the latest stats from RealtyTrac.com, more than half ...
A Few Reasons Why Now May Be The Least Expensive And Easiest Time To "Go FHA"   Shopping for low mortgage rates is a game of luck.  Some days, mortgage rates are favorable.  Other days, they're not.  And while you can sometimes make an educated guess about where rates might be headed, you're not ...
10 Oddball Tax Deductions That The IRS Actually Allows   It's Tax Day today and who among us doesn't love a legitimate tax deduction? The IRS expects to process 138 million tax returns this year and accompanying those returns will be a melange of tax deduction requests.  Most will be run-of-the-m...
This is a new tool we are providing for Real Estate agents.  Increase your web presence with just a few clicks.  Each property will have it's own website.  Click below to learn more about it.  Get more calls, make more money!  FREE.   CLICK HERE   Mike Berrios http://www.IWantToBorrowSmart.com  
As a founding Faculty Member of the National Institute of Financial Education, I am proud to be able to offer our clients, partners, associates and others a comprehensive overview of the tools the goverment is making available to address the current housing crisis for America's families.  Please ...
Close your Home Loan with Integrity Home Finance,.. if you lose your job...Your payment is covered for 6 Months! At NO ADDITIONAL COST*  We are proud to offer you our Homeowner Education and Loan Protection service (HELP).  There are many homeowners who during their first few years of home owners...
Revised February 17, 2009 Just signed and sealed...a $787 Billion Stimulus Plan made up of tax cuts and spending programs aims at reviving the US economy. Although the package was scaled down from nearly $1 Trillion, it still stands as the largest anti-recession effort since World War II. Home ow...

Mike Berrios

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