As the world economy tanks, recessionistas are finding pleasure in finding bargains rather than paying top dollar. From clothing stores, to bottles of wine, to real estate investments-the discerning buyer is basquing in the opportunities to cut back, save, and ultimately find the best deal. It'...
Its the newest trend-skipping the vacations and staying close to home...and having a STAY-CATION!!!! As gas prices, airline fees, and declining income and the dollar overseas....planning vacations close to home is the right for the travelers on a budget! We live on the worlds best island so why...
Short Sales, Bank Owned (REO's) and New developer offerings.... If you are wondering how to sell your home on Maui right now here is what is selling. Short sales, Bank Owned Properties and New Developer Homes are taking over the market sales. They each attribute about 1/3rd of the actual sales ...
To Buy or Not to Buy Now that is the Question.... If we only had a crystal ball. If we may have been able to prevent what the US is seeing in the housing crisis....but we don't and we have to look at statistics, facts and figures to make our best educated guess on when and how this is going to ...
As the world is seeing the worst mass layoff's since 1974 with 533,000 jobs lost in Nov and now over 10 million out of work its time to not order online, stop going to large coffee chains, and supermarkets and start supporting our local business owners. Buy buying local you are probably saving ...
The country's "bailout" sparks a future for Maui's Solar Energy! Solar Tax Credits are growing as the 2008 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) is getting established. Prior to this solar credits maxed out at 30% or $2000 max and was due to expire at the end of this year. However, with t...
Local legislation to find balance and compromise in regards to B&B's, the permitting process, the number of units allowed and the "house rules" to go along with them. In hopes to promote locally based economic development this legislation is looking currently at B&B's which is significantly di...
I am not really sure how I feel about this. For years and years Hana, Haiku, Paia and other parts of Maui Co. have been renting rooms and homes to accomodate the people in search of a true sense of the island. These homes and rooms were catering to a specific niche market. Tourists who did not...
Mark you Calendars! December 13th from 3pm to 7pm Island Spirit's Holiday Party! Come on in and enjoy this social hour with food and beverages...... and a great island vibe. The girls behind Island Spirit in Kihei who are selling wonderful shell jewelery and more are taking the time to appreciate...
What is Billabong you may ask? bil·la·bong n. Australian 1. A dead-end channel extending from the main stream of a river. 2. A streambed filled with water only in the rainy season. 3. A stagnant pool or backwater. Billabong a large surf clothing hosting an event here on Maui! Our...