I loved the Treo 600 and my Treo 650 for over two years. I still miss the portability of the device, the flexibility, the ways I learned to push it to the limits (see this Post on the Treo 650), but then I investigated the Tablet PC.I purchased a Tablet PC because... well... I'm a geek and I can'
I've noticed several posts around the active rain community by people considering buying a Treo and by those who have one (and love it and couldn't live without it).I thought I'd take a moment to share some of the resources I've created for using the Treo as a mobile office for real estate agents
I love Firefox. I despise IE. I use IE only long enough to ensure that my own webs and my client's site resolve properly using that browser. Then, lickety-split, I'm back to FireFox where I can browse in tabs, where I can worry less about security issues, where I can customize my browser to serve
Most of you have probably heard of -- even played with -- the new Yahoo! Real Estate Search Tool, but I'd be willing to bet that very few of you have seen a "sneak peak" of the new Google Real Estate tool.It's still in what I'd call "pre-alpha" -- although I have no idea what the Google developer
Ann Guy had an interesting post today about Networking and Family... and about how those closest to you sometimes forget what it is you do -- until after they have hired or recommended someone else to do it.I think she brings home an excellent point in her post. My family still struggles with EX
I'm a geek. I love the things that make living life online and working in a mobile world... a bit more "cool" than traditional existence.With that said, I wanted to share a handful of my favorite Google tools and offerings for your perusal. Signing up for a Google account means you can keep all t
As a professional real estate agent, broker or relocation specialist, you may be interested to know the complicated attachments people make with physical places and objects. I recently discovered the following free education unit on this particular topic, called "The Meaning of Home." Understandi
The following is pulled from a blog entry I made earlier today on my personal blog to help a fellow writer explain why hiring hourly is a better choice than hiring "per project" in most instances.After posting it, I thought that this group may be interested as well... I got an email today from a
Are you bored with the same old "tired" farm materials? Do you want innovative and creative... but all you can afford is the service you already have? Is it the same service your competition is using -- or a markedly similar one?There is a way to make your stuff stand out... without a huge time a
The issue of Net Neutrality seems to be passing by many small business owners, real estate agents, independents and entrepreneurs unnoticed. This concerns me. It concerns me because if things continue on the current path, those of us who depend on the Internet to make a living, to share informati