I've had a client that recently asked me to do a marketing package on a property. (It's a beautiful place). One problem... she told me that a few years back there was a brutal murder there of a small child.What does the LAW say about when/if this information must be divulged? Apparently there's a
Ok, I love my dog. Her name is Zoe. She's great. But do I want to bring her to work? Not really. I have my own office, so I can do it. I have done it. I can have her curl up under my desk at any time and I can shoo her out too. But, if I worked in an office and several of my co-workers brought in
So you thought that the new mapping technology you have seen lately is cool? How about THIS version? Intermap and Microsoft are joining forces to use radar technology based on elevation and graphic interfaces to create a virtual online version of the real world: Virtual Earth 3-D (Beta). I've see
Google has just announced the addition of local reviews to their popular local map features. So, just to see how this works, I popped over and did a search for my favorite pizza place nearby and did my first "user review" on Google local maps. It was quick and easy and I'll probably do more soon.
Under the file of "I don't have enough to worry about in my life today" comes news from MidwestBusiness.com that I now need to worry about solar "superstorms" that will cause multi-state blackouts, make satellites fall from the sky, cause "economic devistation" and...*gasp*Disrupt my cell phone s
I'm currently using an independently hosted WordPress installation for my "other" blog (wickedblog.com). Before migrating to WordPress, I used GeekLog (which I still use for my main business site wickedwordcraft.com). Geeklog showed a views statistic that helped me to decide which types of entrie
I'm loving the idea of Linux mixed with Palm's Treo (and have since the first rumors of this surfaced over a year ago) -- and now they have announced Foleo, a larger screen/larger keyboard addition to the Treo device. They didn't have anything like this when I was using the Treo for my everything
I found a free blog backup tool today for all of you who want to keep a backup of the blogs you write, but don't have any other backup method in place.www.BlogBackupOnline.com It's free (at least for now) and is currently in beta. There is a size limit, however: You have 50 megs of space and the
I have a client who recently posted a great blog on why photos are important to listing real estate. His title? Poor Photos Degrade Property Value! - and I can't agree with him more. If you have a moment, you may want to drop by and read his top three common problems with real estate photos and m
I haven't really fallen off the face of the earth... I've just been moving. I've left my rural existence for a more urban one in Lexington, Kentucky -- at least for a year or two -- due to family needs. Although this wasn't something I'd planned, I thought I'd take a moment to give some of the pr