Mark Boyd's (markboyd) Blog

Education & Training - MarQeteer
When Google Plus was introduced just a few short months ago, it was initially greeted with eyerolls and "here we go again" from many business professionals. "I don't have time for it." "I have more social media platforms than I can keep up with already!" These are some of the typical initial reac...
By now, most of you have seen the little Google +1 button in your Internet travels on blogs and websites.  Just what is the significance of this little blue button?  It’s kinda like the Facebook “like button” but packs more punch.  It’s blue and it’s different. Kinda like Nuprin, but it’s a diffe...
NOTE:  Just to reiterate, the tool offered in this article is truly free with no hidden surprises. Friends, a couple of weeks back I posted a "free" SEO opportunity that has turned out to be quite the disappointment.  What was once a nice idea to share information has been turned into a monetizat...
After a nightmare of a hack attack, my website is finally back up and running.  We went ahead and did a fresh redesign, as well:)   Thanks to some nice Google tools the process, while daunting, was at least a more smooth process and a tad easier. Two words with regard to Google Analytics and Goog...
A good opportunity for visibility, local coverage and links is press releases. Now, before the eye rolls start, I need to address the fact that even press releases have been turned into spam by some entities online.  The key to a successful press release is a good, strong and legitimate angle tha...
We SEO geeks have a saying:  "Content is King, Linking is Queen." The gist of this is that before you focus on driving people to your website/blog and acquiring links to your page, you want to make sure people will like what they see once they're on your page.  Mainly, you want your content to be...
J Philip Faranda posted a GREAT piece on Facebook business pages today, in response to an Inman article called "You Need to Delete Your Facebook Business Pages Immediately." Articles like that Inman article really aggravate me, because they play on the fear of those who aren't sure of what they'r...
While I'm admittedly biased, because I am an Internet marketing consultant as well as a real estate coach, I just couldn't believe what I was reading when I saw this article today.  It's from nearly a year ago and it just made my blood boil.  It’s in The Telegraph and it’s by someone named Milo Y...
I recently posted this as my status on Facebook: "Dear Facebook: You are to social media what Google is to search engines. Google has tried twice (and failed) to cut into your social media market share with Buzz and Wave. Now it's Google Plus. Google Plus is not a superior service, but with all y...
  (This is a re-post for groups I couldn't include in the first post) In your own SEO, Internet marketing and social media marketing efforts, it’s common to want to avoid the trial and error process that leads to real progress.   Much of the SEO and Internet marketing solutions offered online pa...