This year I have run into a few transactions where the Listing Agent is also the Owner of the Home. These deals can be tricky because there are more emotions involved for the Lising Agent/Owner. And sometimes the emotions can potentially stop a deal from happening or worse make the transaction
It's interesting how our business is so cyclical. Days and weeks can go by for me without getting a new Client. I am always reminded of this when I see my Wife after work. One of her first questions to me every day is: "anybody new?" She's my Sales Manager. :) My business is definitely busi
Takoda is a new planned unit development in Louisville, Colorado. The plan is for a mix of single family homes, row homes, condominiums and commercial space. Located on the northeast corner of Louisville. North of South Boulder Road and east of HWY 42. Two Builders will be involved for the res
In my early years of selling I listened to a lot of "motivational tapes" and one of the speakers I really liked was Jim Rohn. Here's one of his best quotes: "To have more than you've got, become more than you are." It's a very powerful statement. If you want to sell more and earn more commissi
This is not a tweet. This is not a Facebook update. Not a txt msg. Not an email with a bunch of happy face icons. I am not sending you a viral video on YouTube. And IMHO, I not LMAO! This is serious, no one is reading books anymore. We are becoming a "screen" based society. All day and nig
They are a jeweler in the true sense of the word. Their store is also their work shop where rings and jewelry are being made on a daily basis. Most jewelry stores are just retail outlets for many different designers, filled with salespeople, no designers or craftsmen. In their store you can spea
I attended a focus group today with some other Realtors for a new housing project for a Builder in this area. In attendance was the Architect for the Builder. The Architecht presented the different floor plans, elevations of the houses and they were seeking input from the group. During the pres
This is the first weekend since Labor Day where I do not have any appointments on the weekend. And I could not be happier. I am totally relaxing and enjoying the Fall weather and spending time with my family. We went to our Elementary School fundraiser on Friday night, had a Karate test for my
I have been a professional salesperson for many years and I have bought and read a ton of sales books, sales and motivational audio tapes, attended sales and motivational seminars, formal company sales training and I have spent thousands of dollars. What was I looking for? A sure fire way to be
Recently, I met with a Seller about listing their house. After we toured the house and went through my materials we got down to the most important question the Seller had for me. How much can I sell my house for? Notice, it was not how much should I list it for? My strategy when meeting with