Mike Andruff's (mandruff) Blog

Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX Crest Realty Westside
           False Creek North is the former Expo '86 World Exposition site. Concord Pacific has done an outstanding job of transforming the site into one of the most attractive areas of Vancouver. In fact, many of the city fathers of the Expo days have located in the area, attesting to its desirab...
             False Creek (Fairview Slopes) has little, if any, single detached properties. Additionally, over half of the attached dwellings are leaseholds in favor of the City of Vancouver. (This means one has the long term use of the property, however at the conclusion of the lease term, the ow...
             Fairview is a special area of Vancouver. Many of the residences are three and fourplex strata titled properties. Coach houses are common here. Fairview has numerous north/south and east/west transportation connectors for commuters.             Single detached properties comprise les...
An interview with Rob Regan-Pollock, Mortgage Broker      O.K. you've just negotiated a contract for your dream piece of property. One of your conditions precedent (subject conditions), is to arrange your finances before your subject release date. If you have watched this video, your are likely p...
With a 58% decline in sales volume over the previous period in 2008, it is clear the sneeze in the United States market, has caused a royal head cold in the Vancouver real estate market.      Paraphrasing Vancouver Real Estate Board President Dave Watt, "Home sales and consumer confidence are at ...
This blog is about costly mistakes that the buying public make when purchasing real estate. The following video emphasizes the benefit of working with a professional realtor.        At VancouverPropertyFinder.com, the best properties are at your fingertips. You can browse property listings, do a ...
                I was just in Cambie this afternoon showing clients properties. People like this area because of its parks, schools and ease of getting around town. Values are modestly more affordable.             Remember, the new Canada Line will be a major impact on this area starting in late...
South Cambie is a beautiful residential area. Although it hasn't been over the last couple of years. The construction of the Canada Line, Vancouver's rapid transit, went right down Cambie Street. Some of South Cambie's notable features include: the Langara public golf course, Langara College, Ch...
       A recent member blog talked about converting website viewers into leads with what Mike Russer termed "compelling offers". It was a great blog post because it generated a strong response both pro and con from readers.      My idea on adding value on my site is to conduct video interviews wi...
            Archaeologists have found evidence that this area was inhabited as early as 3,500 BC. In fact, an Indian band still owns land on the site of the southerly located Fraser Arms Hotel.             In the early 1900's this was a sawmilling community. At the time, it was called Eburne Sta...

Mike Andruff

smartphone(604) 644-0056
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