Comments's clear, even the historically trusted news media no longer can be trusted. The segment 60 minutes ran on Real Estate agents and the 6% commission strangle hold we "supposedly have" on the market place was nothing more than a joke. The reporting was awful. The research was non existent. ...
Whether your representing the sellers or buyers it's prudent at this point to check back in with all those clients you have in escrow who are using 100% financing. More importantly check in with their lenders. You may not like what you hear (or don't hear) It's not a bad idea either, to double ch...
February 13th 2007. Hey everyone! Well this is my first Blog input and I'm going to keep it short. As an agent out there helping clients purchase and sell properties everyday in the Placer, Sacramento, Yolo and El Dorado county areas, I can tell you from my perspective the market has certainly he...