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Wordless Wednesdays.......... A Tribute to my sweet Dog Booker, he is now in the hands of a dear friend of mine.  I really miss him. I put my house up for sale so it was little hard to have him there.  This was his costume last year. He can look a little intimadating for buyers coming around.  He...
Wordless Wednesdays.......... Remember the Moose that slammed into my boyfriends Mercedes well take a look at this guy.  If you don't think they can do a lot of damage, think again.  I should have included a picture of a Moose with the car accident blog but I didn't have a picture of one at the t...
Real Estate Market & Economic News Courtesy of the Park City Board Of Realtors BUYERS RESPONDING TO BUYER�S MARKET 5th Consecutive Quarter of Increased SalesMonday, October 25, 2010 5:00 am   PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:For further information:Mark SeltenrichPresident BUYERS RESPONDING TO ...
Utah Ranks #1 in Best place For Business and Careers                                   Utah tops our fifth annual ranking, knocking longtime leader Virginia from the top spot. By Kurt Badenhausen When voters in 37 states select their governors next month, the overriding issue will be, of course, ...
We just had our First Snow If you look at the tops of the surrounding Mountains in Salt Lake City you can see the white peaks peering out of the clouds.  I don't have a picture yet but it looks beautiful with the gold aspen contrast to the pencil pine trees, the gray low clouds and the white snow...
I love Church suppers.   I thought I would help advertise this one for the NewPort Newpshire First Baptist Church.   I have  re-blogged Dale Bakers blog about this event to help bring their community together and raise a little money to keep the Good News Flowing!  It's nice to support a good cau...
See What a Moose can Do On October 8th my boyfriend came up to Park City,Utah where I had been working all day to meet me for dinner.  We drove separate cars home and only minutes after leaving My boyfriend hit a Moose on the freeway in His Mercedes Sports Car.                                    ...
Indian Summer in Utah We have been enjoying a beautiful Indian summer.  Warm sunny days and cool nights, this weather has allowed more trees to turn that usually get hit by snow and rain and never get to show off their true beauty. The Mountains in Utah look like a palette of colors for an Old Ma...
Bank of America halts all U.S. foreclosures  Here are 2 different networks reports on the latest announcements. Let me know what you think and how this will affect the housing market. I have mixed feelings about halting foreclosures, as a single woman I have worked hard to try and keep up with my...
                                                                       Daily Real Estate News  |  October 5, 2010  |   Pending Home Sales Show Another Gain  Pending home sales have increased for the second consecutive month, according to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.The Pending Home Sal...

Debbie Aldrich

Salt Lake City Realtor - Salt Lake County, Cottonwood Heights
local_phone(801) 272-7111
smartphone(801) 870-0606
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