Salt Lake City, Cottonwood Heights, Midway, Salt Lake County, Wasatch County, Utah, Resort Properties, Luxury Homes, Commercial, Residential, Short Sales, Relocation

Real Estate Agent - The Watts Group Real Estate
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Our Nations Independence Day Celebration Kicks off on Saturday July 3rd                               Where are the Salt Lake 4th of July fireworks shows? Here they are. Remember the Men and Women that have made it possible for us to have the liberties we enjoy and the privilege of living in a fr...
Summer in the Salt Lake Valley Real Estate Market   Beside the rain and snow melt run off we are seeing a nice boost in the market.  Residential is moving  and commercial is close behind.  Salt Lake City is beautiful and green in the Summer, a sign of hope and new beginings and people start to th...
Great Customer Service Resently I went to an area in Salt Lake City that Houses many Commercial Tile stores.  I am always suprised in an economy as tough as ours is people still don't seem to give good customer service and in this Market it should be great!  With each store I went into I barely g...
 Another Deal Closed in Commercial Real Estate   This has been a crazy market in both Residential and Commercial Real Estate but I have been busy.  I have been fortunate to have some really nice Commercial properties and have been able to get deals through.  One advantage I have had is I always a...
For the first time in years I will be making 2 trips to Maryland to see my family.  I haven't spent a Memorial weekend there since College.  I will be heading back for the 4th of July yippy!  I sure miss home. This photo is one of the placesw we love to go, Solomons Island Maryland. If you go you...

Debbie Aldrich

Salt Lake City Realtor - Salt Lake County, Cottonwood Heights
local_phone(801) 272-7111
smartphone(801) 870-0606
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